英日字典: 不当
11 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- wrongfulness, wrong
- 曲事, 非法, 濁, 不法, 不届き, 不義, 不正, 不当, 邪, 悪
- that which is contrary to the principles of justice or law; "he feels that you are in the wrong"
- 正義や法の原理に反したもの
- unjust
- 不当
- violating principles of justice; "unjust punishment"; "an unjust judge"; "an unjust accusation"
- 正義の原則に違反するさま
- undue
- 不法, 非分, 不当
- not appropriate or proper (or even legal) in the circumstances; "undue influence"; "I didn't want to show undue excitement"; "accused of using undue force"
- その状況に適切でない、またはふさわしくない(、あるいは合法的ですらない)
- wrongful
- 不当
- unlawfully violating the rights of others; "wrongful death"; "a wrongful diversion of trust income"
- 不当に他人の権利を侵害するさま
- unlawful, wrongful
- 不当
- having no legally established claim; "the wrongful heir to the throne"
- 法律で定められた要求をするのではない
- unjustified, unwarranted, undue
- 不当
- lacking justification or authorization; "desire for undue private profit"; "unwarranted limitations of personal freedom"
- 正当性または承認を欠いている
- wrong, awry, amiss, haywire
- 不届き, 筋違い, 筋ちがい, 見当違い, 不正, 不当, すじ違い, 筋違
- not functioning properly; "something is amiss"; "has gone completely haywire"; "something is wrong with the engine"
- きちんと機能しないさま
- unfair, unjust
- 後ろぎたない, 不平等, 後穢い, アンフェア, 後ろ穢い, 偏頗, 不正, 不当, 後汚い, 枉惑, 不公平, 失当, 後ろ汚い, 不明朗
- not fair; marked by injustice or partiality or deception; "used unfair methods"; "it was an unfair trial"; "took an unfair advantage"
- フェアでない
- wrong
- 不料簡, 不法, 不届き, 横道, 不正, 不当
- contrary to conscience or morality or law; "it is wrong for the rich to take advantage of the poor"; "cheating is wrong"; "it is wrong to lie"
- 良心、道徳または法律に反して
- wrongful
- 不当
- not just or fair; "a wrongful act"; "a wrongful charge"
- 正当でないまたは公平でない
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