英日字典: すじ違い
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- wrick, crick, kink, rick
- 筋違い, すじ違い
- a painful muscle spasm especially in the neck or back (`rick' and `wrick' are British)
- 特に首と背中の痛みを伴う筋肉痙攣(『rick』と『wrick』はイギリス英語)
- ridiculous, derisory, laughable, ludicrous, absurd, preposterous, nonsensical, cockeyed, idiotic
- 馬鹿ばかしい, 阿房臭い, わやく, 目茶苦茶, 不合理, 荒唐, 可笑しい, 馬鹿臭い, 目茶目茶, 目茶, とんちんかん, ムチャ, 滅茶苦茶, 阿房くさい, 阿房, 阿呆, 滅茶, 理不尽, 阿呆くさい, おかしい, 馬鹿馬鹿しい, 筋違い, 筋ちがい, 馬鹿くさい, わや, 馬鹿, 滑稽, 非常識, むちゃ, 阿呆らしい, 馬鹿げた, メチャメチャ, 箆棒, めちゃくちゃ, 無茶苦茶, すじ違い, 滅茶滅茶, めちゃ, あほらしい, 烏滸がましい, 荒唐無稽, 荒誕, 無茶, 頓珍漢, 阿呆臭い, 馬鹿らしい, 筋違, めちゃめちゃ
- incongruous;inviting ridicule; "the absurd excuse that the dog ate his homework"; "that's a cockeyed idea"; "ask a nonsensical question and get a nonsensical answer"; "a contribution so small as to be laughable"; "it is ludicrous to call a cottage a mansion"; "a preposterous attempt to turn back the pages of history"; "her conceited assumption of universal interest in her rather dull children was ridiculous"
- 不条理な
- irrelevant
- とんちんかん, 筋ちがい, 的はずれ, 無関係, 的外れ, すじ違い, 頓珍漢, 論外, 筋違
- having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue; "an irrelevant comment"; "irrelevant allegations"
- 問題における主題と関連性がないさま
- wrong, awry, amiss, haywire
- 不届き, 筋違い, 筋ちがい, 見当違い, 不正, 不当, すじ違い, 筋違
- not functioning properly; "something is amiss"; "has gone completely haywire"; "something is wrong with the engine"
- きちんと機能しないさま
- wrong
- 筋違い, 筋ちがい, 見当違い, すじ違い, 不適切, 筋違
- based on or acting or judging in error; "it is wrong to think that way"
- 誤りに基づいた、誤った行動をする、あるいは誤って判断するさま
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