英日字典: 忌避
8 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- dodging, escape, evasion
- 回避, 遁れ, 逃げ, 逃れ, 忌避, 逃避
- nonperformance of something distasteful (as by deceit or trickery) that you are supposed to do; "his evasion of his clear duty was reprehensible"; "that escape from the consequences is possible but unattractive"
- するべきだが気の進まないことを(あざむきやごまかしなどの手段により)実行しないこと
- challenge
- 忌避
- a formal objection to the selection of a particular person as a juror
- 陪審員としての特定の人の選択に対する、正式な異論
- evasion
- 回避, 忌避, 逃避
- the act of physically escaping from something (an opponent or a pursuer or an unpleasant situation) by some adroit maneuver
- 何か(敵対者とか追手とか不愉快な状況)から巧みな策略で肉体的に逃れる行為
- avoid
- 躱す, 免れる, 避く, 回避, 物忌, 遠のける, 逃がれる, 忌避, 避ける, 物忌み, 斎む, 遠ざける
- stay clear from; keep away from; keep out of the way of someone or something; "Her former friends now avoid her"
- 接触がないままでいる
- shun, eschew
- 回避, 物忌, 忌避, 避ける, 物忌み
- avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of
- 意図的に避ける、あるいは離れておく
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