英日字典: 意味
14 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- significance
- 意味, 意義のあること, 一義, 意義
- the quality of being significant; "do not underestimate the significance of nuclear power"
- 意義があるという特質
- import, significance, meaning, signification
- 辞意, 意味内容, 語意, 意味, 意, 言意, 義, 意義
- the message that is intended or expressed or signified; "what is the meaning of this sentence"; "the significance of a red traffic light"; "the signification of Chinese characters"; "the import of his announcement was ambiguous"
- 意図されたまたは表現されたメッセージ
- sense
- 検出, 感覚, 観念, 意味, センス, 察知, 勘, 感性, 事理, 念, 訳
- a natural appreciation or ability; "a keen musical sense"; "a good sense of timing"
- 本質的な理解または能力
- substance, meaning
- 旨趣, 意味合い, 趣意, 訳合い, 意味合, 内容, 意味内容, 意味, 主旨, 意, 趣旨, 訳合, 要旨, 意義
- the idea that is intended; "What is the meaning of this proverb?"
- 意図する考え
- spirit, purport, intent
- 旨趣, 旨意, 論意, 考え, 気, 趣意, 含意, 魂胆, 意味, 主旨, 所存, 意思, 心, 意, 趣旨, 旨, 意図, 作意
- the intended meaning of a communication
- コミュニケーションの意図された意味
- signified, sense
- 意味, 意, 言意, 義
- the meaning of a word or expression; the way in which a word or expression or situation can be interpreted; "the dictionary gave several senses for the word"; "in the best sense charity is really a duty"; "the signifier is linked to the signified"
- 言葉または表現の意味
- drift, purport
- 趣, 意味, 主旨, 趣旨
- the pervading meaning or tenor; "caught the general drift of the conversation"
- 全体的な意味や大意
- import, spell
- 意味
- indicate or signify; "I'm afraid this spells trouble!"
- 示すか、意味する
- think of, have in mind, mean
- 浮かべる, 考え浮かぶ, 考えうかぶ, 考える, 思い付く, 思付く, 思いやる, 思いおよぶ, 思及ぶ, 考え付く, 思い遣る, 思寄る, 意味, 考えつく, 思いつく, 思遣る, いう, 考浮かぶ, 思い寄る, 思い及ぶ, 考付く, 思い起こす
- intend to refer to; "I'm thinking of good food when I talk about France"; "Yes, I meant you when I complained about people who gossip!"
- に言及する意図がある
- signify
- 内含, 意味, 表す, 表わす
- convey or express a meaning; "These words mean nothing to me!"; "What does his strange behavior signify?"
- 意味を伝えるか、表す
- entail, imply, mean
- 意味
- have as a logical consequence; "The water shortage means that we have to stop taking long showers"
- 論理的な結果として持つ
- stand for, typify, symbolize, symbolise, represent
- 模る, 象徴, 模す, 象る, 表現, 意味, シンボライズ, 表す, 表わす
- express indirectly by an image, form, or model; be a symbol; "What does the Statue of Liberty symbolize?"
- 画像、形状、または模型で間接的に表現する
- imply
- 含意, 意味
- suggest as a logically necessary consequence; in logic
- 論理的に必要な結果として提案する
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