

英日字典: represent

represent   (Sound)

KK Pronunciation

〔 ˏrєprIˋzєnt 〕


〔 ˏrepriˊzent 〕

The represent has 15 Senses.

  • correspond, stand for, represent
  • 表す, 表わす
  • take the place of or be parallel or equivalent to; "Because of the sound changes in the course of history, an 'h' in Greek stands for an 's' in Latin"
  • その代わりをする、その類似物である、またはそれと同等のものである

  • represent
  • 代表, 代理
  • be a delegate or spokesperson for; represent somebody's interest or be a proxy or substitute for, as of politicians and office holders representing their constituents, or of a tenant representing other tenants in a housing dispute; "I represent the silent majority"
  • 代表かスポークスマンになる

  • represent
  • 表す, 表わす
  • serve as a means of expressing something; "The flower represents a young girl"
  • 何かを表現する手段となる

  • exemplify, represent
  • be characteristic of; "This compositional style is exemplified by this fugue"
  • 特徴的である

  • constitute, comprise, make up, be, represent
  • 構成, 成す
  • form or compose; "This money is my only income"; "The stone wall was the backdrop for the performance"; "These constitute my entire belonging"; "The children made up the chorus"; "This sum represents my entire income for a year"; "These few men comprise his entire army"
  • 形成するまたは構成する

  • defend, represent
  • 弁護
  • be the defense counsel for someone in a trial; "Ms. Smith will represent the defendant"
  • 裁判での誰かの被告側弁護人でである

  • act, represent, play
  • 演技, 芝居, 演じる, 演戯, 演ずる
  • play a role or part; "Gielgud played Hamlet"; "She wants to act Lady Macbeth, but she is too young for the role"; "She played the servant to her husband's master"
  • 役割を果たす、役を演じる

  • represent, present, stage
  • 上演, 演出, 公演
  • perform (a play), especially on a stage; "we are going to stage `Othello'"
  • 特にステージで、(劇を)演奏する

  • represent
  • describe or present, usually with respect to a particular quality; "He represented this book as an example of the Russian 19th century novel"
  • 記述するか、示す、通常特定の品質に対して

  • represent
  • point out or draw attention to in protest or remonstrance; "our parents represented to us the need for more caution"
  • 講義として、あるいは苦情として指摘するまたは注意を引き出す

  • represent, lay out, present
  • 呈する, 呈出, 提示, 示す, 呈示
  • bring forward and present to the mind; "We presented the arguments to him"; "We cannot represent this knowledge to our formal reason"
  • 持ち出して、心に現れる

  • represent, map
  • to establish a mapping (of mathematical elements or sets)
  • マッピング(数学的な要素または集合の)を確立する

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