英日字典: 承認
25 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- favourable reception, approval, favorable reception
- 可決, 賛成, 嘉賞, 裁可, 賛同, 決裁, 容認, 裁許, 准許, 同意, 是認, 認め, 許可, 承認
- acceptance as satisfactory; "he bought it on approval"
- 満足して受け入れること
- agreement
- 調和, 賛成, 承諾, 合意, アグリーメント, 申し合わせ, 申合せ, 協約, 取り決め, 協定書, 取極め, 承引, 納得, 承知, 取決め, 取決, 契約, 規約, 同意, 取り極め, 合点, 承知の幕, 一致, 協商, 約定, 約束, 承認, 同感, 協定案, 合致, 承允, 協定, 議定
- the verbal act of agreeing
- 同意する言語行為
- recognition, credit
- 是認, 承認
- approval; "give her recognition for trying"; "he was given credit for his work"; "give her credit for trying"
- 承認
- commendation, approval
- 可決, 賛成, 嘉賞, 裁可, 表彰, 賛同, 決裁, 容認, 裁許, 称賛, 准許, 同意, 是認, 認め, 賞賛, 許可, 承認, 受付
- a message expressing a favorable opinion; "words of approval seldom passed his lips"
- 賛成意見を表明するメッセージ
- acknowledgment, acknowledgement
- ご了承, 謝辞, 了と, 御了承, 諒と, 認識, 認知, 告白, 承認, 認定
- a statement acknowledging something or someone; "she must have seen him but she gave no sign of acknowledgment"; "the preface contained an acknowledgment of those who had helped her"
- 何かまたは誰かに気づいていることを示す言葉
- recognition
- 承認
- an acceptance (as of a claim) as true and valid; "the recognition of the Rio Grande as a boundary between Mexico and the United States"
- 真に有効なものとしての承認(主張のように)
- authorisation, mandate, authorization
- 指し図, お墨付き, 認可, 命令, 許可, 承認, 認定, 命, 公認, 授権, 御墨付き, 免許, 指図
- a document giving an official instruction or command
- 公式の指令または命令を与える文書
- recognition, acknowledgment, acknowledgement
- 認識, 認知, 認容, 承認, 認定
- the state or quality of being recognized or acknowledged; "the partners were delighted with the recognition of their work"; "she seems to avoid much in the way of recognition or acknowledgement of feminist work prior to her own"
- 認識されるか、認められる状態または品質
- warrant, indorsement, endorsement, countenance, sanction, imprimatur
- 裁可, 容認, 許諾, 裁許, 認可, 是認, 承認, 公認
- formal and explicit approval; "a Democrat usually gets the union's endorsement"
- 正式で明白な承認
- consent
- 諒承, 承諾, 了解, 諒解, 納得, 領会, 承知, 許諾, 同意, 合点, 承認, 承允, 領解, 降心, 諾了
- permission to do something; "he indicated his consent"
- 何かをする許可
- concord, agreement
- 調和, 賛成, 合意, アグリーメント, 申し合わせ, 申合せ, 協約, 取り決め, 協定書, 取極め, 承引, 納得, 取決め, 取決, 契約, 規約, 取り極め, 合点, 承知の幕, 一致, 協商, 約定, 約束, 承認, 同感, 協定案, 合致, 承允, 協定, 議定
- the determination of grammatical inflection on the basis of word relations
- 語関係に基づいた文法の抑揚の決定
- recognition
- 承認
- the explicit and formal acknowledgement of a government or of the national independence of a country; "territorial disputes were resolved in Guatemala's recognition of Belize in 1991"
- 政府または、国からの国家独立の明白で正式な承認
- admit, acknowledge
- 肯定, 白状, 自認, 是認, 承認
- declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of; "He admitted his errors"; "She acknowledged that she might have forgotten"
- 真実であることを宣言するあるいは存在、現実あるいは真実を認める
- o.k., sanction, okay, approve
- 讃する, 賛成, 聴す, 裁可, 宜う, オーケイ, 同ずる, 容認, 聴許, 差許す, OK, オーケー, 裁許, 諒する, 許す, さし許す, 差しゆるす, 認可, 同意, 是認, 聞き届ける, 赦す, 同じる, 許可, 承認, 聞き入れる, 賛する, 差し許す, 認許, 容受
- give sanction to; "I approve of his educational policies"
- 認可を与える
- recognize, accredit, recognise
- 認可, 認知, 承認, 認定, 免許
- grant credentials to; "The Regents officially recognized the new educational institution"; "recognize an academic degree"
- に証明書を与える
- ratify, sign
- 調印, 批准, 承認, サイン, 署する
- approve and express assent, responsibility, or obligation; "All parties ratified the peace treaty"; "Have you signed your contract yet?"
- 同意、責任または義務を認可及び表明する
- approve
- 嘉賞, 容認, 承認, 佳賞
- judge to be right or commendable; think well of
- 正しい、あるいは感心であると判断する
- accept
- 受容れる, 聞入れる, 認める, 宜う, 受容, 承服, 受け入れる, 受諾, 受入れる, 聴き入れる, 承伏, 諾なう, 宜なう, 認容, 受け容れる, 承認, 聴入れる, 受けいれる
- consider or hold as true; "I cannot accept the dogma of this church"; "accept an argument"
- 真実として考えるまたはとらえる
- let, countenance, permit, allow
- 聴す, 認める, 容認, 差許す, 許す, さし許す, 差しゆるす, 認可, 許可, 承認, 差し許す, 允許, 認許, 容受, 許与, 許容
- consent to, give permission; "She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband"; "I won't let the police search her basement"; "I cannot allow you to see your exam"
- 同意し、許可する
- grant, allow
- 聴す, 聞入れる, 認める, 聴許, 授ける, 聞く, 聴き入れる, 許す, 聞届ける, 与える, 附与, 聞き届ける, 受け容れる, 許可, 承認, 聞きとどける, 聞き入れる, 付与, 差し許す, 聴入れる
- let have; "grant permission"; "Mandela was allowed few visitors in prison"
- 持たせる
- acknowledge
- 認める, 承認, 認定
- accept as legally binding and valid; "acknowledge the deed"
- 法的に拘束力があり有効であると認める
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