英日字典: 認識
16 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- acknowledgment, acknowledgement
- ご了承, 謝辞, 了と, 御了承, 諒と, 認識, 認知, 告白, 承認, 認定
- a statement acknowledging something or someone; "she must have seen him but she gave no sign of acknowledgment"; "the preface contained an acknowledgment of those who had helped her"
- 何かまたは誰かに気づいていることを示す言葉
- taste, perceptiveness, discernment, appreciation
- 弁別, 判断力, 鑑識, 知覚力, 辨え, 洞察力, 観賞眼, 認識, 趣味, 辨別, 審美眼
- delicate discrimination (especially of aesthetic values); "arrogance and lack of taste contributed to his rapid success"; "to ask at that particular time was the ultimate in bad taste"
- (特に審美的な価値についての)繊細な慧眼
- perception
- 見方, 認識, 認知
- a way of conceiving something; "Luther had a new perception of the Bible"
- あるものを理解する方法
- recognition, acknowledgment, acknowledgement
- 認識, 認知, 認容, 承認, 認定
- the state or quality of being recognized or acknowledged; "the partners were delighted with the recognition of their work"; "she seems to avoid much in the way of recognition or acknowledgement of feminist work prior to her own"
- 認識されるか、認められる状態または品質
- cognizance
- 認識
- range or scope of what is perceived
- 知覚される範囲か領域
- recognition, realisation, realization
- 認識, 認知
- coming to understand something clearly and distinctly; "a growing realization of the risk involved"; "a sudden recognition of the problem he faced"; "increasing recognition that diabetes frequently coexists with other chronic diseases"
- 明確に、明瞭に何かを理解するようになること
- recognition, identification
- 識別, 同定, 認識, 認知
- the process of recognizing something or someone by remembering; "a politician whose recall of names was as remarkable as his recognition of faces"; "experimental psychologists measure the elapsed time from the onset of the stimulus to its recognition by the observer"
- 記憶によって何かまたは誰かを確認するプロセス
- recognize, recognise
- 解る, 聞分ける, 見て取る, 承知, 認識, 聞きわける, 見分ける, 分かる, 認知, 見てとる, 見知る, 知る
- perceive to be the same
- 同じであると認める
- agnise, recognize, agnize, recognise, realise, realize
- 解る, わかる, 了知, 分る, 覚る, 理解, 認識, 飲込む, 飲み込む, 分かる, 認知, 判る
- be fully aware or cognizant of
- 十分に認知しているまたは認識している
- find
- わかる, 分る, 認識, 気付く
- perceive oneself to be in a certain condition or place; "I found myself in a difficult situation"; "When he woke up, he found himself in a hospital room"
- 自らが特定の病状か場所にいると知覚する
- perceive, comprehend
- 見取る, 勘付く, 悟る, 感づく, 聴取る, 心づく, 分る, 看取, 見て取る, 感受, 感知, 見抜く, 目っける, 感じ取る, 感付く, 認識, 気づく, 捕える, 気付く, 心付く, 気色取る, 気がつく, 察する, 察知, 捕らえる, 認知, 嗅ぎわける, 観取, かぎ分ける, 勘づく, 知覚, 感じとる, めっける, 気が付く, 判る
- to become aware of through the senses; "I could perceive the ship coming over the horizon"
- 感覚を通じて気が付くようになる
- find, discover
- わかる, 発見, 分る, 看取, 見受ける, 見出す, 認識, 気づく, 気付く, 見いだす, 観取, 見出だす, 見い出す
- make a discovery; "She found that he had lied to her"; "The story is false, so far as I can discover"
- 発見をする
- see
- 見据える, 認識, 観取
- see and understand, have a good eye; "The artist must first learn to see"
- 確かめて、理解する、良い目を持つ
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