英日字典: 抛棄
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- desertion, forsaking, abandonment
- 棄却, 放棄, 諦め, 遺棄, 委棄, 断念, 抛棄, 思切, 見切り, 思切り
- the act of giving something up
- 何かをあきらめる行為
- resign, relinquish, give up, release, free
- 放棄, 放擲, 譲り渡す, 手ばなす, 手放す, 抛棄, 放す
- part with a possession or right; "I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest"; "resign a claim to the throne"
- 所有物または権利の部分
- part with, dispense with, give up, spare
- 放棄, ほうる, 廃す, ほうりだす, 手放す, 廃する, 捨てる, 抛棄, 癈棄, 棄てる, 廃棄
- give up what is not strictly needed; "he asked if they could spare one of their horses to speed his journey"
- 厳密に必要でないことを放棄する
- deliver, give up, surrender, cede
- 放棄, 渡す, 割譲, 明け渡す, 受渡し, 譲り渡す, 投出す, 明けわたす, 譲与, 受渡す, 受けわたす, 手放す, 投げだす, 与える, 受け渡し, 譲渡, 抛棄, 受け渡す, 明渡す, 抛擲, 引渡す, 引き渡す, 譲る
- relinquish possession or control over; "The squatters had to surrender the building after the police moved in"
- 所有物、または管理を放棄する
- abandon
- 見切る, 見かぎる, 放棄, 見離す, 見棄てる, 遺棄, 打捨てる, 打棄てる, ほうりだす, 振捨てる, 抛り出す, 見捨てる, 見放す, 放りだす, 放り出す, 打ち棄てる, 捨てる, 見すてる, 見きる, 振り捨てる, 抛棄, 見はなす, 振りすてる, 放す, 棄てる, 見限る, 打ち捨てる
- forsake, leave behind; "We abandoned the old car in the empty parking lot"
- 見放す、置き去りにする
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