英日字典: release
KK Pronunciation
〔 rIˋlis 〕
〔 riˊliːs 〕
The release has 22 Senses.
- release
- リリースされた作品
- merchandise issued for sale or public showing (especially a record or film); "a new release from the London Symphony Orchestra"
- 販売または大衆への見世物(特に記録または映画)のために発行された商品
- release
- 放出, 解放
- a process that liberates or discharges something; "there was a sudden release of oxygen"; "the release of iodine from the thyroid gland"
- 何かを自由にしたり解放する過程
- release, handout, press release
- プレスルルース, プレスリリース
- an announcement distributed to members of the press in order to supplement or replace an oral presentation
- 口頭の発表を補うまたは取って代わるために報道機関のメンバーに配布される発表文
- release, liberation, firing, sack, dismission, discharge, sacking, dismissal
- 免官, 暇, お役ご免, 免黜, 解職, 御祓い箱, 免職, 首斬り, 首斬, 解雇, 御免, 御役御免, 首切, お払い箱, 解任, 馘首, 免, 御払箱, 罷免, 首切り, くび, お払箱, 首, ご免, 御払い箱, 御祓箱, お役御免
- the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)
- 誰かの雇用(外れるためにそれらを辞める)の終了
- release, exit, passing, expiration, loss, going, departure
- 亡失, 死, 減退, 喪失, 負け, 遺失, ロス, 解放
- euphemistic expressions for death; "thousands mourned his passing"
- 死の婉曲表現
- release, acquittance
- a legal document evidencing the discharge of a debt or obligation
- 債務または義務の消滅を証明する法律文書
- release, button
- a device that when pressed will release part of a mechanism
- 押されるとメカニズムの一部を放出する装置
- release, outlet, vent
- はけ口, 出口, 解放
- activity that frees or expresses creative energy or emotion; "she had no other outlet for her feelings"; "he gave vent to his anger"
- 創造力または感情を開放する、または、表現する活動
- release, spill, spillage
- the act of allowing a fluid to escape
- 液体が漏れ出るようにすること
- tone ending, release
- (music) the act or manner of terminating a musical phrase or tone
- 音楽のフレーズやトーンを終える行為または様式
- let go, relinquish, release, let go of
- 取り離す, 解放す, 解き離す, 手離す, 手ばなす, 手放す, 解き放つ, 解き放す, 放す, 解放, 取離す, 解放つ
- release, as from one's grip; "Let go of the door handle, please!"; "relinquish your grip on the rope--you won't fall"
- 掴んでいるものなどを、解放する
- liberate, release, unloose, unloosen, free, loose
- とき放す, 解きはなつ, 解放す, 追い放つ, 解き離す, 放免, とき放つ, 逃がす, 解きはなす, 追い放す, 解き放つ, 解き放す, 放つ, 赦す, 放す, 解放, 解放つ, 追放す, 釈放
- grant freedom to; free from confinement
- 自由を与える
- release, turn
- 出す
- let (something) fall or spill from a container; "turn the flour onto a plate"
- (何かを)入れ物から落とすか、こぼす
- issue, release, bring out, publish, put out
- 公刊, 発兌, 上木, 開版, 版行, 出版, リリース, 開板, 発券, 上梓, 刊行, 発行, 印行
- prepare and issue for public distribution or sale; "publish a magazine or newspaper"
- 一般への配布または販売に備える、発行する
- discharge, expel, release, eject, exhaust
- 排出
- eliminate (a substance); "combustion products are exhausted in the engine"; "the plant releases a gas"
- (物質を)取り除く
- secrete, release
- 分泌
- generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids; "secrete digestive juices"; "release a hormone into the blood stream"
- 細胞または身体の流体を生み出して、分離する
- release, free
- 発表, リリース
- make (information) available for publication; "release the list with the names of the prisoners"
- (情報を)公表可能にする
- resign, relinquish, give up, release, free
- 放棄, 放擲, 譲り渡す, 手ばなす, 手放す, 抛棄, 放す
- part with a possession or right; "I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest"; "resign a claim to the throne"
- 所有物または権利の部分
- liberate, release, free
- release (gas or energy) as a result of a chemical reaction or physical decomposition
- 化学反応または物理的分解の結果、(ガスまたはエネルギーを)放出する
- release, unfreeze, free, unblock
- 放つ, 放す
- make (assets) available; "release the holdings in the dictator's bank account"
- (資産)を利用可能にする
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