英日字典: 捨去る
4 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- desolate, abandon, desert, forsake
- 見切る, 見かぎる, つき放す, 突っ放す, ほうる, 見離す, 見棄てる, 遺棄, 突き放す, 振る, ほうりだす, 突き離す, 振捨てる, 抛り出す, 見捨てる, 見放す, 放りだす, 放り出す, 捨てさる, 捨去る, 捨てる, 見すてる, 見きる, 振り捨てる, 捨て去る, 見はなす, 振りすてる, 突放す, 抛りだす, 棄てる, 見限る, 突きはなす, 棄て去る
- leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch; "The mother deserted her children"
- あなたを必要とする、または頼りにする人のもとを去る
- throw, shed, cast, throw away, throw off, shake off, cast off, drop
- 取捨てる, 脱ぎ捨てる, 捨てさる, 捨去る, 捨てる, 捨て去る, 棄てる, 脱捨てる, 打ち捨てる
- get rid of; "he shed his image as a pushy boss"; "shed your clothes"
- 取り除く
- defect, desert
- 見切る, 見かぎる, 去る, 見離す, 見棄てる, 打捨てる, 打棄てる, 振捨てる, 見捨てる, 見放す, 打ち棄てる, 捨てさる, 捨去る, 捨てる, 見すてる, 見きる, 振り捨てる, 捨て去る, 振りすてる, 棄てる, 見限る, 棄て去る, 打ち捨てる
- desert (a cause, a country or an army), often in order to join the opposing cause, country, or army; "If soldiers deserted Hitler's army, they were shot"
- 反対している原因、国、または軍隊に加わるためにしばしば見捨てます(原因、国または軍隊)
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