英日字典: 推論
11 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- discount, deduction
- 演繹法, ディダクション, 推論, 値引き, 天引き, 扣除, デダクション, 天減, 差し引き, 控除
- an amount or percentage deducted
- 引き下げられた額ないしは率
- inference, illation
- 推測, 推理, 推論
- the reasoning involved in drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgment on the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior conclusions rather than on the basis of direct observation
- 直接的な観察に基づくというよりも、状況的な証拠や前例に基づく理論的判断を含む推論
- surmisal, hypothesis, speculation, conjecture, supposition, surmise, guess
- 推当て, 推しあて, 臆度, 推測, 忖度, 推考, 推し当て, 察し, 想察, 予断, 推当, 当て推量, 想像, 臆測, 仮定, 憶断, 臆断, 推論, 仮想, 臆説, 押推量, 憶測, 当てずっぽう, 目算, 恐察, 揣摩憶測, 推し言, 推定, 推量, 推察, 推知, 想定, 揣摩臆測, 押し推量, 憶説, 予測, 見当, 仮説, 心当て, 推度, 揣摩, あて推量
- a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence
- 不完全な証拠に基づく意見を表すメッセージ
- ratiocination, conclusion
- 帰結, 推論
- the proposition arrived at by logical reasoning (such as the proposition that must follow from the major and minor premises of a syllogism)
- 論理的な推論によって到達する命題(三段論法の大前提と小前提から帰結しなければならない命題など)
- speculation, conjecture
- 推当て, 壁越推量, 推しあて, 推測, 推考, 推し当て, 推当, 当て推量, 御推文字, 臆測, 推論, 臆説, 憶測, 揣摩憶測, 推し言, 壁越し推量, 推量, 揣摩臆測, 推文字, 憶説, 予測, 推度, 揣摩, あて推量
- a hypothesis that has been formed by speculating or conjecturing (usually with little hard evidence); "speculations about the outcome of the election"; "he dismissed it as mere conjecture"
- 推測や推量で形成された仮説(普通はっきりとした証拠がない)
- conclusion
- 帰結, 結論, 推論
- an intuitive assumption; "jump to a conclusion"
- 直観的な仮定
- infer, guess
- 推し計る, 推測, 推し測る, 推し量る, 予断, 推理, 推論, 推しあてる, 当てる, 類推, 推定, 推算, 推量, 推察, 推知, 推しはかる, 推量る, 推断, 推し当てる, 予測, 推当てる, 推度, 推測る
- guess correctly; solve by guessing; "He guessed the right number of beans in the jar and won the prize"
- 正しく推量する
- hypothesise, theorise, hypothecate, suppose, theorize, speculate, conjecture, hypothesize
- 見なす, 決込む, はかり知る, 臆度, 推し計る, 思為す, 推測, 見做す, 忖度, 決め込む, 推し測る, 推し量る, 看做す, 測り知る, 想察, 想像, 臆測, 仮定, 憶断, 臆断, 思做す, 測知る, 推論, 仮想, 措定, 思い当てる, 思う, 思い為す, 憶測, 思いなす, 恐察, 類推, 推定, 推量, 推察, 推す, 推知, 推しはかる, 賢察, 推する, 極め込む, 想定, 予測, 思い做す, 仮設, 測りしる, 推度, 揣摩
- to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds; "Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps"
- 特に不確かであるか仮の根拠で信じる
- deduce, deduct, infer, derive
- 推測, 割出す, 測り知る, 推考, 割り出す, 推理, 推論, 推定, 推す, 推知, 推しはかる, 推する, 割りだす, 推断
- reason by deduction; establish by deduction
- 推理により論じる
- reason
- 推論
- think logically; "The children must learn to reason"
- 論理的に考える
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