英日字典: 結論
9 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- peroration
- 結論
- (rhetoric) the concluding section of an oration; "he summarized his main points in his peroration"
- 演説の結論部分
- end, close, closing, conclusion, ending
- フィニッシュ, ラスト, エンディング, 締め括り, 終わり, お仕舞, 最後, お仕舞い, 締括, 終り, 結論, 結句, 終尾, 結尾, 締括り, 終い, 締, 終盤, 終, 完, エンド, 括り, おしまい
- the last section of a communication; "in conclusion I want to say..."
- コミュニケーションの最後の部分
- decision, determination, conclusion
- 断案, 裁決, 結論, 決意, 決心, 判定, 裁断, 決定
- a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration; "a decision unfavorable to the opposition"; "his conclusion took the evidence into account"; "satisfied with the panel's determination"
- 熟考の末に到達した立場、意見、または判断
- conclusion
- 結論, 締結
- a final settlement; "the conclusion of a business deal"; "the conclusion of the peace treaty"
- 最終的解決
- conclusion
- 帰結, 結論, 推論
- an intuitive assumption; "jump to a conclusion"
- 直観的な仮定
- resolve, conclude
- 決議, 論決, 論結, 決める, 取決める, 結論, 決断, 議決, 結論付ける, 結論づける, 決定
- reach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation
- 議論または熟慮の後に結論に達する
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