英日字典: 救い
8 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- relief
- 救い, 救済, 救援
- aid for the aged or indigent or handicapped; "he has been on relief for many years"
- 老齢者や貧しい人、障害者のための扶助
- support
- お手伝い, 掩護射撃, 後ろ押し, 補助, 尻押, 掩護, 援護, 後押し, 御陰, 荷担, 後押, お助け, 応援, しり押し, 後ろ楯, 救い, 肩入れ, 後盾, 支え, サポート, 助け舟, 力添え, 後ろ盾, 幇助, 介助, 助成, 介添え, 加役, 扶持, 協賛, 肩入, 後援, 御蔭, 加功, 扶助, 尻押し, 加担, 支援, 援助, 助太刀, 支, 賛助, 後楯, 救い船, 助力, 加勢, 支持, 尻おし
- something providing immaterial assistance to a person or cause or interest; "the policy found little public support"; "his faith was all the support he needed"; "the team enjoyed the support of their fans"
- 人や目標、または利益に対して、無形の支援を提供するもの
- saving grace
- 救い
- a redeeming quality or characteristic; "her love of music remains her one saving grace"; "her sense of humor has to be a saving grace"; "the saving grace for both developments is that they are creating jobs"
- 埋め合わせになる特性、または、特徴
- service, help, avail
- お手伝い, 補助, 輔佐, 世話, ヘルプ, 応援, 救い, 補佐, 御手伝い, 力添え, 助け船, 救済, 救助, 用途, 扶助, 手伝い, 効用, 救援, 助け, 支援, 救護, 援助
- a means of serving; "of no avail"; "there's no help for it"
- 役に立つ手段
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