英日字典: service
KK Pronunciation
〔 ˋsFvIs 〕
〔 ˊsәːvis 〕
The service has 18 Senses.
- service
- サービス, サーヴィス
- work done by one person or group that benefits another; "budget separately for goods and services"
- 1人やグループで他の人のためにする仕事
- service
- サービス, 奉仕, サーヴィス
- an act of help or assistance; "he did them a service"
- 助けたり援助したりする行為
- service
- 公共事業体
- a company or agency that performs a public service; subject to government regulation
- 公共事業を行う会社や機関
- service
- 勤, サービス, 勤仕, 奉仕, 務め, 勤め, サーヴィス, 仕え, 勤務, 役務, 奉公, 労務
- employment in or work for another; "he retired after 30 years of service"
- 別の人のための仕事
- robert william service, service
- サービス
- Canadian writer (born in England) who wrote about life in the Yukon Territory (1874-1958)
- ユーコン領域での生活について書いたカナダの作家(イングランド生まれ)(1874年−1958年)
- service, help, avail
- お手伝い, 補助, 輔佐, 世話, ヘルプ, 応援, 救い, 補佐, 御手伝い, 力添え, 助け船, 救済, 救助, 用途, 扶助, 手伝い, 効用, 救援, 助け, 支援, 救護, 援助
- a means of serving; "of no avail"; "there's no help for it"
- 役に立つ手段
- service, table service
- tableware consisting of a complete set of articles (silver or dishware) for use at table
- 食卓用の用具(銀食器または皿類)の完全なセットからなる食器類
- service, servicing
- サービス
- the act of mating by male animals; "the bull was worth good money in servicing fees"
- 雄の動物による交尾の行為
- service
- 寄与, 扱い, サービス, 労り, 奉仕, 儀典, 使役, 勤務, 奉公, 労務, 待遇
- (law) the acts performed by an English feudal tenant for the benefit of his lord which formed the consideration for the property granted to him
- 彼に交付される資産の報酬を形成した彼の主人の利益ために英国の封建的な入居者によって行われる行為
- service, serve
- 寄与, 扱い, サービス, サーブ, 労り, 奉仕, 儀典, 使役, 勤務, 奉公, 労務, 待遇
- (sports) a stroke that puts the ball in play; "his powerful serves won the game"
- プレーでボールを打つこと
- service
- 客会釈, 客扱, サービス, 勤仕, お持て成し, 持て成し, 奉仕, 客あしらい, サーヴィス, 客扱い, 仕え, 奉公, 客応答
- the performance of duties by a waiter or servant; "that restaurant has excellent service"
- ウエイターや使用人による義務の行使
- serve, service
- 使われる
- be used by; as of a utility; "The sewage plant served the neighboring communities"; "The garage served to shelter his horses"
- 利用される
- service
- make fit for use; "service my truck"; "the washing machine needs to be serviced"
- 使用に適しているようにする
- serve, service
- mate with; "male animals serve the females for breeding purposes"
- 仲間になる
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