英日字典: 沈静
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- tranquility, quietude, tranquillity, quietness
- 閑寂, 天下太平, 閑寂さ, 太平, 長閑けさ, 静謐さ, 静穏さ, 泰平, 平安, 静謐, 康寧, 清閑, 沈静, 無風, 閑けさ, 長閑さ, 静穏, 安穏, 静ひつ, 平和, 平静, 平穏, 穏やかさ, 閑さ, 安寧, 長閑やかさ, 無事
- a state of peace and quiet
- 平和で静かな状態
- dullness
- 弛み, 沈静, 不敏, 平板
- the quality of lacking interestingness; "the stories were of a dullness to bring a buffalo to its knees"
- 興味深さを欠いている特質
- serenity, quiet, tranquility, placidity, tranquillity, repose
- 静穏さ, 平安, 康寧, 沈静, 安らぎ, 安静, 静穏, 安穏, 平穏, 安心
- a disposition free from stress or emotion
- 精神的緊張や感情から自由である性質
- settle down, cool off, calm, simmer down, cool it, chill out, calm down
- 落着く, 落付く, 沈静, 和む, 落ちつく, 落ち着く
- become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation; "After the fight both men need to cool off."; "It took a while after the baby was born for things to settle down again."
- 特に興奮状態のあとに、静か、または穏やかに成る
- cool, cool down, cool off
- 冷える, 冷める, 冷却, 沈静, 薄らぐ, 落ち居る, 温む, 収まる, 薄れる
- lose intensity; "His enthusiasm cooled considerably"
- 強さがなくなる
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