英日字典: repose
KK Pronunciation
〔 rI`poz 〕
〔 riˋpouz 〕
The repose has 9 Senses.
- rest, relaxation, ease, repose
- 休み, 休養, ひと休み, お休み, 息抜き, 休息, 憩, リラクセーション, 休憩, リラックス, リラクゼーション, 一休み, 息休め, くつろぎ, 憩い, 御休み, 骨休め, 休, 寛ぎ
- freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility); "took his repose by the swimming pool"
- (仕事や緊張、責任など)行動からの解放
- peace of mind, serenity, ataraxis, peace, peacefulness, heartsease, repose
- 心の平和, 落ち着き, 清適, 安らぎ, 精神の平静, 安静, 安心, 安息, 安らかさ, 心安
- the absence of mental stress or anxiety
- 精神的な緊張または不安がないこと
- serenity, quiet, tranquility, placidity, tranquillity, repose
- 静穏さ, 平安, 康寧, 沈静, 安らぎ, 安静, 静穏, 安穏, 平穏, 安心
- a disposition free from stress or emotion
- 精神的緊張や感情から自由である性質
- repose
- ゆだねる, 託す
- put or confide something in a person or thing; "These philosophers reposed the law in the people"
- 人または物での何かを置くまたは委託する
- reside, repose, rest
- be inherent or innate in;
- 生まれながらの
- repose
- lie when dead; "Mao reposes in his mausoleum"
- 死んだときに横たわる
- recline, recumb, repose
- lean in a comfortable resting position; "He was reposing on the couch"
- 快適な休息する姿勢でよりかかる
- put down, lay, repose
- 横たえる
- put in a horizontal position; "lay the books on the table"; "lay the patient carefully onto the bed"
- 水平の位置に置く
- repose
- to put something (eg trust) in something; "The nation reposed its confidence in the King"
- 何か(たとえば、信頼)を何かに託す
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