英日字典: 安心
11 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- relief, ease
- 放心, 心弛び, 楽になること, 人心地, 緩和, 安堵, 安心, 心弛, 心ゆるび
- the condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress); "he enjoyed his relief from responsibility"; "getting it off his conscience gave him some ease"
- 快適もしくはほっとした状態(特に苦痛が除かれて楽になった後の)
- comfort
- 安楽, 楽, 安心
- a feeling of freedom from worry or disappointment
- 心配や失望から解き放たれた気持ち
- peace of mind, serenity, ataraxis, peace, peacefulness, heartsease, repose
- 心の平和, 落ち着き, 清適, 安らぎ, 精神の平静, 安静, 安心, 安息, 安らかさ, 心安
- the absence of mental stress or anxiety
- 精神的な緊張または不安がないこと
- assuagement, relief, alleviation
- 人心地, 安堵, 安心
- the feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced; "as he heard the news he was suddenly flooded with relief"
- 荷の重いことが除かれるか軽減した時に起こる感情
- serenity, quiet, tranquility, placidity, tranquillity, repose
- 静穏さ, 平安, 康寧, 沈静, 安らぎ, 安静, 静穏, 安穏, 平穏, 安心
- a disposition free from stress or emotion
- 精神的緊張や感情から自由である性質
- secure
- セキュア, 安全, 堅い, 安泰, 大丈夫, 安心, 固い, 手堅い, 確か
- free from danger or risk; "secure from harm"; "his fortune was secure"; "made a secure place for himself in his field"
- 危機または危険からかけ離れた
- safe
- 危なげない, 安全, 堅い, 事無し, 堅実, 安全性のある, 大丈夫, 安心, 無難, 固い, 確か
- (of an undertaking) secure from risk
- (仕事について)リスクの恐れがない
- relaxed
- 安楽, 気安, のどか, 楽, 心安い, 伸びやか, 安らか, 安心
- without strain or anxiety; "gave the impression of being quite relaxed"; "a relaxed and informal discussion"
- 緊張や心配のない
- safe
- 安全, 安心, 無難
- free from danger or the risk of harm; "a safe trip"; "you will be safe here"; "a safe place"; "a safe bet"
- 危険や危害のリスクがない
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