英日字典: 誘導
11 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- guidance, steering
- 道案内, オリエンテーション, 手引, 御引き回し, 引回し, 操舵, 引廻, 舵取り, 引き回し, 誘導, お引き回し, 導引, お引回, ガイダンス, 先導, 手引き, 引き廻し, 率先, ガイド, 引回, 案内, 嚮導, 導き, 御引回し, 御引回, お引回し, 導, 引廻し
- the act of guiding or showing the way
- 導いたり、道を示したりする行為
- inductance, induction
- 感応作用, 感応, インダクタンス, 誘導, インダクション
- an electrical phenomenon whereby an electromotive force (EMF) is generated in a closed circuit by a change in the flow of current
- 回路内の電流の流れの変化が磁力や起電力を生み出していく過程
- inducing, inducement
- 誘い, 誘導
- act of bringing about a desired result; "inducement of sleep"
- 望ましい結果を引き起こす行為
- induction
- 誘導
- the act of bringing about something (especially at an early time); "the induction of an anesthetic state"
- 何かを引き起こす行為(特に初期に)
- lead
- 導く, 誘導
- cause to undertake a certain action; "Her greed led her to forge the checks"
- 特定の行動を行わせる
- make, induce, cause, get, stimulate, have
- 誘いだす, 策励, けしかける, 刺戟, 誘引, 誘い出す, 唆る, 勧奨, 誘導, 突動かす, 突き動かす, 鼓吹, 奮い起こす, 嗾ける, 誘起, 誘う, 刺衝, 鼓舞, 促す, 誘出す, 刺激, さそい出す
- cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner; "The ads induced me to buy a VCR"; "My children finally got me to buy a computer"; "My wife made me buy a new sofa"
- する原因
- guide, lead, direct, conduct, take
- 連れる, 導く, 誘導, 案内
- take somebody somewhere; "We lead him to our chief"; "can you take me to the main entrance?"; "He conducted us to the palace"
- 誰かをどこかに連れて行く
- guide, steer
- 手引, 勧める, 教化, 誘掖, 指導, 導く, 手びき, 誘導, 先導, 手引き, ガイド, 嚮導
- be a guiding or motivating force or drive; "The teacher steered the gifted students towards the more challenging courses"
- 案内する、強く動機するあるいは駆り立てる
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