英日字典: 促す
13 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- incite, egg on, prod
- 使嗾, 突っつく, 駈る, けしかける, 揉立てる, 焚き附ける, 衝き動かす, 指嗾, 焚附ける, 煽る, 焚き付ける, 煽り立てる, 突く, 責つく, 急きたてる, 煽動, 突つく, 突っ突く, 責付く, 突き動かす, 嗾ける, 嗾す, 急立てる, 焚付ける, 揉み立てる, そやす, もみ立てる, 煽りたてる, 促す, 教唆, あおる, 焚きつける
- urge on; cause to act; "The other children egged the boy on, but he did not want to throw the stone through the window"
- 駆り立てる
- invite, call for
- 招待, 促す
- request the participation or presence of; "The organizers invite submissions of papers for the conference"
- 参加、あるいは出席を要請する
- press, press out
- 搾る, 押す, 圧す, 押しつける, 絞る, 押し付ける, 急立てる, 急き立てる, 圧する, 促す
- press from a plastic; "press a record"
- プラスチックからのプレス
- press, urge on, exhort, urge
- 駈る, 揉立てる, 督促, 煽る, 突きあげる, 責つく, 突つく, 責付く, 催す, 説き勧める, 慫慂, 督励, 叱咤, 衝き上げる, 迫る, 説きすすめる, 嗾ける, 催促, 揉み立てる, 説勧める, 責め立てる, 督責, かり立てる, 衝上げる, 突上げる, 促す, とき勧める, あおる
- force or impel in an indicated direction; "I urged him to finish his studies"
- 示された方向を強制するか、推進する
- press, weigh
- 搾る, 圧す, 押しつける, 絞る, 押し付ける, 急立てる, 急き立てる, 圧する, 促す
- to be oppressive or burdensome; "weigh heavily on the mind", "Something pressed on his mind"
- 圧倒的なまたは負担のかかる
- make, induce, cause, get, stimulate, have
- 誘いだす, 策励, けしかける, 刺戟, 誘引, 誘い出す, 唆る, 勧奨, 誘導, 突動かす, 突き動かす, 鼓吹, 奮い起こす, 嗾ける, 誘起, 誘う, 刺衝, 鼓舞, 促す, 誘出す, 刺激, さそい出す
- cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner; "The ads induced me to buy a VCR"; "My children finally got me to buy a computer"; "My wife made me buy a new sofa"
- する原因
- hustle
- 急立てる, 急き立てる, 促す
- cause to move furtively and hurriedly; "The secret service agents hustled the speaker out of the amphitheater"
- 人目を忍んで、急いで動かす
- demand
- 談じ込む, 要求, 註文, 督促, 詰寄る, 要望, 強要, 要請, 督する, 注文, 求める, 迫る, つめ寄る, 催促, 請求, 督責, 促す, 詰めよる
- request urgently and forcefully; "The victim's family is demanding compensation"; "The boss demanded that he be fired immediately"; "She demanded to see the manager"
- 緊急に、そして、力強く要請する
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