英日字典: 趣
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- grace of god, free grace, grace
- 趣き, 恩恵, 恩寵, 趣, 恵み, 風雅, 優雅
- (Christian theology) the free and unmerited favor or beneficence of God; "God's grace is manifested in the salvation of sinners"; "there but for the grace of God go I"
- 惜しみないで値しない好意または神の恩恵
- elegance
- 風情, 雅趣, 趣, 風雅, 優美, 風流, 雅致, 優雅, 優雅さ
- a refined quality of gracefulness and good taste; "she conveys an aura of elegance and gentility"
- 優美で品位のある洗練された品質
- semblance, colour, gloss, color
- 色, 色つや, 色彩, 風情, カラー, 色合い, 呈色, 外観, 趣, 色艶
- an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading; "he hoped his claims would have a semblance of authenticity"; "he tried to give his falsehood the gloss of moral sanction"; "the situation soon took on a different color"
- 故意にまぎらわしい、表面的であるか形だけの外見または形
- refining, refinement, purification
- 渋味, 趣き, 趣, 京風, 風雅, 優美, 風流, 幽雅, 精製, 優雅
- the process of removing impurities (as from oil or metals or sugar etc.)
- 不純物を(石油、金属、砂糖などから)除去する過程
- drift, purport
- 趣, 意味, 主旨, 趣旨
- the pervading meaning or tenor; "caught the general drift of the conversation"
- 全体的な意味や大意
- show, appearance
- 仮相, 風情, 見え, 身なり, 体貌, 風格, 姿, 趣き, 見映え, 押出し, 佇い, 恰好, 押し出し, 見た目, 格好, 表面, 外観, 趣, 見栄え, 体裁, 態, 見栄, 見せかけ, 様子, 体, 風体, 佇まい, 形容, 見映
- pretending that something is the case in order to make a good impression; "they try to keep up appearances"; "that ceremony is just for show"
- 良い印象を与えるためにあることがそうであるように見せかけること
- aura, air, atmosphere
- 風情, 雰囲気, 佇い, 趣, 佇, オーラ, ムード, 情調, 佇まい, 情緒, たたずまい, 空気
- a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing; "an air of mystery"; "the house had a neglected air"; "an atmosphere of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters"; "the place had an aura of romance"
- 人またはものを囲んでいる独特の、無形の性質
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