英日字典: 様子
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- state
- 動静, 情態, 容子, 様態, ありさま, あり方, 様相, 工合, 恰好, 有り様, 動勢, 有様, 在り方, 様子, 状況, 在りかた, 状態, 事様, 様
- the way something is with respect to its main attributes; "the current state of knowledge"; "his state of health"; "in a weak financial state"
- その主要な特性に注目したときのある物のあり方
- feel, look, tone, spirit, flavour, smell, feeling, flavor
- フィーリング, 感じ, 雰囲気, 気分, 匂い, 様子, 匂
- the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people; "the feel of the city excited him"; "a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting"; "it had the smell of treason"
- 場所または状況の一般的な雰囲気とそれが人々に与える影響
- condition, status
- 容態, 具合い, 情態, 容子, 状, 様態, ありさま, 工合, 有り様, 有様, 具合, 様体, 情況, 様子, 状況, 状態, コンディション, 事様, 塩梅, 容体
- a state at a particular time; "a condition (or state) of disrepair"; "the current status of the arms negotiations"
- 一定の時の状況
- situation, state of affairs
- 事態, 情態, 時局, 様態, 状勢, 形勢, 情勢, 具合, 景況, 状相, 情況, 相貌, 様子, 状況, 局勢, 境遇, 状態, シチュエーション, シチュエイション
- the general state of things; the combination of circumstances at a given time; "the present international situation is dangerous"; "wondered how such a state of affairs had come about"; "eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation"- Franklin D.Roosevelt
- 一般的な状態
- trace, ghost, touch
- 感じ, 感触, 気, 気配, 様子, 気味
- a suggestion of some quality; "there was a touch of sarcasm in his tone"; "he detected a ghost of a smile on her face"
- ある資質を示唆するもの
- show, appearance
- 仮相, 風情, 見え, 身なり, 体貌, 風格, 姿, 趣き, 見映え, 押出し, 佇い, 恰好, 押し出し, 見た目, 格好, 表面, 外観, 趣, 見栄え, 体裁, 態, 見栄, 見せかけ, 様子, 体, 風体, 佇まい, 形容, 見映
- pretending that something is the case in order to make a good impression; "they try to keep up appearances"; "that ceremony is just for show"
- 良い印象を与えるためにあることがそうであるように見せかけること
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