英日字典: alternate
KK Pronunciation
〔 ˋɒltZnIt 〕
〔 ɒːlˊtәːnәt 〕
The alternate has 10 Senses.
- alternate, replacement, surrogate
- 代役, 替え, 替り, 後任, 代り, 代わり, 補欠, 交代要員, 代, 補闕, あと釜, 代え, 替わり, 代り役, 代理, 後釜, 替え玉, 身代わり, 代理人, 代理者, 代人, 身代り
- someone who takes the place of another person
- 誰かの代わりを務める人
- alternate
- every second one of a series; "the cleaning lady comes on alternate Wednesdays"; "jam every other day"- the White Queen
- シリーズのすべての第2のもの
- alternate, alternative, substitute
- serving or used in place of another; "an alternative plan"
- 他の物の代わりとして役立つ、または使用される
- alternate, alternating
- occurring by turns; first one and then the other; "alternating feelings of love and hate"
- 順番に起きる
- alternate
- of leaves and branches etc; first on one side and then on the other in two ranks along an axis; not paired; "stems with alternate leaves"
- 葉および枝等の
- jump, alternate
- 揺らぐ, 振れる
- go back and forth; swing back and forth between two states or conditions
- 行ったり来たり動く
- alternate
- exchange people temporarily to fulfill certain jobs and functions
- ある仕事および職務を完了するために人々を一時的に交換する
- alternate, understudy
- be an understudy or alternate for a role
- 代役であるか、役割のために交替する
- take turns, alternate
- do something in turns; "We take turns on the night shift"
- 交互に物事をする
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