

英日字典: appreciation

appreciation   (Sound)

KK Pronunciation

〔 әˏpriʃIˋeʃәn 〕


〔 әˏpriːʃiˊeiʃn 〕

The appreciation has 5 Senses.

  • grasp, hold, appreciation
  • 把捉, 把握, 鑑賞
  • understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something; "he has a good grasp of accounting practices"
  • 何かの本質、意味、質または大きさを理解する

  • appreciation
  • 了知, 賞味, 感謝, 鑑賞, 会得
  • an expression of gratitude; "he expressed his appreciation in a short note"
  • 感謝の態度を表明すること

  • appreciation
  • 了知, 賞味, 鑑賞, 会得
  • an increase in price or value; "an appreciation of 30% in the value of real estate"
  • 価格または価値の増加

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