英日字典: bob
KK Pronunciation
〔 bɑb 〕
〔 bɒb 〕
The bob has 12 Senses.
- bob
- ボブ
- a hair style for women and children; a short haircut all around
- 女性や子供の髪型
- bobsleigh, bob, bobsled
- ボブスレー
- a long racing sled (for 2 or more people) with a steering mechanism
- 舵取り装置がついた(2人以上用の)長い競走用のそり
- bob
- a hanging weight, especially a metal ball on a string
- つり下げ用の重り、特に糸についた金属製のボール
- bob, dock, bobtail
- a short or shortened tail of certain animals
- ある動物の短いか短くされた尾
- bob
- a short abrupt inclination (as of the head); "he gave me a short bob of acknowledgement"
- 短期間の突然の傾向(先頭での)
- bob
- 浮沈み
- move up and down repeatedly; "her rucksack bobbed gently on her back"
- 繰り返し上下に動く
- bob, bobsled
- 浮沈み
- ride a bobsled; "The boys bobbed down the hill screaming with pleasure"
- ボブスレーに乗る
- tail, bob, dock
- remove or shorten the tail of an animal
- 動物の尾を取除くか、または短くする
- bob, curtsy
- make a curtsy; usually done only by girls and women; as a sign of respect; "She curtsied when she shook the Queen's hand"
- 膝を曲げたおじぎをする
- bob
- 浮沈み
- cut hair in the style of a bob; "Bernice bobs her hair these days!"
- ボブのスタイルに髪の毛を切る
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