英日字典: tail
KK Pronunciation
〔 tel 〕
〔 teil 〕
The tail has 11 Senses.
- tail
- 尻尾, 尻っ方, テイル, 尻っぽ, 尾, テール, 尾っぽ, 尾ぽ
- the posterior part of the body of a vertebrate especially when elongated and extending beyond the trunk or main part of the body
- 特に、胴体または体の中心を超えたところまで延び、広がっているの脊椎動物の体の後部分
- tail, tail end, fag end
- the time of the last part of something; "the fag end of this crisis-ridden century"; "the tail of the storm"
- 何かの最後の期間
- prat, hindquarters, backside, fundament, tooshie, tail, keister, rear end, bum, seat, rump, bottom, hind end, tush, buns, fanny, derriere, rear, can, nates, buttocks, stern, ass, tail end, posterior, behind, arse, butt
- 尻, ヒップ, 御居処, どんけつ, 尻臀, 臀部, 臀, 御尻, お尻, おいど
- the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on; "he deserves a good kick in the butt"; "are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?"
- 人間の体のうち、自分が上に座る肉付きのよい部分
- tail, shadower, shadow
- a spy employed to follow someone and report their movements
- 誰かを尾行して、行動を報告するために雇われた探偵
- tail
- (usually plural) the reverse side of a coin that does not bear the representation of a person's head
- 人の頭部を表現していないコインの裏側
- tail, trail, chase after, track, tag, dog, give chase, chase, go after
- 逐う, 追駆ける, 跡追い, 追いかける, 追躡, 後追い, 追掛ける, 追駆, 追い掛ける, 追っ掛ける, 追い駆ける, 追っかける, 猛追, 尾行
- go after with the intent to catch; "The policeman chased the mugger down the alley"; "the dog chased the rabbit"
- 捕らえる目的で追いかける
- tail, bob, dock
- remove or shorten the tail of an animal
- 動物の尾を取除くか、または短くする
- tail
- remove the stalk of fruits or berries
- 果物またはベリーの軸を取り除く
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