英日字典: bundle
KK Pronunciation
〔 ˋbʌndL 〕
〔 ˊbʌndl 〕
The bundle has 7 Senses.
- parcel, package, packet, bundle
- 束, 風呂敷包, 風呂敷き包み, 包み物, 包物, 小包, 包, パック, 風呂敷包み, 小包み, 束ね, 包み
- a collection of things wrapped or boxed together
- 一緒に包装されたり箱に入れられたりしている物の集まり
- sheaf, bundle
- 束, 風呂敷包, 風呂敷き包み, 包み物, 包物, 風呂敷包み, 束ね
- a package of several things tied together for carrying or storing
- 持ち運んだり貯蔵したりするためいくつかのものを1つに縛ったもの
- pile, big money, megabucks, big bucks, bundle
- 大金, 千金
- a large sum of money (especially as pay or profit); "she made a bundle selling real estate"; "they sank megabucks into their new house"
- 多額の金(特に賃金または利益としての)
- roll up, bundle, bundle up
- make into a bundle; "he bundled up his few possessions"
- 束にする
- practice bundling, bundle
- sleep fully clothed in the same bed with one's betrothed
- 完全に服を着たまま婚約者と同じベッドで眠る
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