

英日字典: compact

KK Pronunciation

〔 kәm`pækt 〕


〔 kәmˋpækt 〕

The compact has 10 Senses.

  • covenant, concordat, compact
  • 契約, コンコルダート
  • a signed written agreement between two or more parties (nations) to perform some action
  • ある行為を行うように2つまたはそれ以上の当事者間(国家間)で交わされる合意

  • compact
  • closely and firmly united or packed together; "compact soil"; "compact clusters of flowers"
  • 密接にしっかり結合するか、またはぎっしり詰められる

  • thickset, thick, compact, heavyset, stocky
  • having a short and solid form or stature; "a wrestler of compact build"; "he was tall and heavyset"; "stocky legs"; "a thickset young man"
  • 短くて堅固な形または背丈を持つさま

  • succinct, compact, compendious, summary
  • 簡潔
  • briefly giving the gist of something; "a short and compendious book"; "a compact style is brief and pithy"; "succinct comparisons"; "a summary formulation of a wide-ranging subject"
  • 何かの主旨を簡単に与えるさま

  • pack, compact
  • have the property of being packable or of compacting easily; "This powder compacts easily"; "Such odd-shaped items do not pack well"
  • 荷造りしやすいあるいは簡単にコンパクト化できる特性を持つ

  • compress, pack together, compact
  • 圧搾, 圧縮
  • make more compact by or as if by pressing; "compress the data"
  • 圧迫することによりあるいは圧迫するかのようによりコンパクトにする

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