英日字典: call_up
The call_up has 5 Senses.
- call up
- 召集
- an order to report for military duty
- 軍隊勤務の出勤命令
- bring forward, call up
- 持込む, 持ち込む
- bring forward for consideration; "The case was called up in court"
- 考慮を進める
- phone, call, call up, telephone, ring
- 電話を掛ける, 架電, 電話, コール, 通話, テル
- get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone; "I tried to call you all night"; "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning"
- (人と)電話で連絡をとる、または連絡を取ろうとする
- remember, retrieve, call back, call up, recall, think, recollect
- 思いだす, 思起す, 思い付く, 追憶, 懐う, 回想, 回視, 回顧, 思い浮べる, 思い返す, 思い回す, 呼びおこす, 思い出す, 偲ぶ, 思返す, 思出す, 追懐, 喚び起こす, 想出す, 思う, 思浮べる, 思い出だす, 想起す, 憶う, 呼起こす, 思いつく, 想い浮かべる, 想いだす, 思い浮かべる, 思い起す, 思いまわす, 想う, 想い起こす, 喚起こす, 想い出す, 想い起す, 思いかえす, 想起, 追思, 思回す, 思浮かべる, 思い起こす
- recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection; "I can't remember saying any such thing"; "I can't think what her last name was"; "can you remember her phone number?"; "Do you remember that he once loved you?"; "call up memories"
- 記憶から知識を思い浮かべる
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