英日字典: recall 英漢 英英 简体
KK Pronunciation
〔 rIˋkɒl 〕
〔 riˊkɒːl 〕
The recall has 12 Senses.
callback , recall a request by the manufacturer of a defective product to return the product (as for replacement or repair) 欠陥製品のメーカーによる製品(交換や修理のような)を返すという要求
recall 召還 a call to return; "the recall of our ambassador" 帰るという要求
recall a bugle call that signals troops to return 戻るよう軍に合図する集合ラッパの音
recall , recollection , reminiscence 追憶 , 回想 , 回顧 , 追懐 , 再生 , 追蹤 , 追思 , 追想 the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort); "he has total recall of the episode" 思い出す過程(特に精神的努力によって情報を取り戻す過程)
recall リコール the act of removing an official by petition 嘆願書によって役人を解任する行為
remember , retrieve , call back , call up , recall , think , recollect 思いだす , 思起す , 思い付く , 追憶 , 懐う , 回想 , 回視 , 回顧 , 思い浮べる , 思い返す , 思い回す , 呼びおこす , 思い出す , 偲ぶ , 思返す , 思出す , 追懐 , 喚び起こす , 想出す , 思う , 思浮べる , 思い出だす , 想起す , 憶う , 呼起こす , 思いつく , 想い浮かべる , 想いだす , 思い浮かべる , 思い起す , 思いまわす , 想う , 想い起こす , 喚起こす , 想い出す , 想い起す , 思いかえす , 想起 , 追思 , 思回す , 思浮かべる , 思い起こす recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection; "I can't remember saying any such thing"; "I can't think what her last name was"; "can you remember her phone number?"; "Do you remember that he once loved you?"; "call up memories" 記憶から知識を思い浮かべる
echo , recall 思い起こさせる call to mind; "His words echoed John F. Kennedy" 心に呼び起こす
call back , recall summon to return; "The ambassador was recalled to his country"; "The company called back many of the workers it had laid off during the recession" 戻るように要求する
recall cause one's (or someone else's) thoughts or attention to return from a reverie or digression; "She was recalled by a loud laugh" 自分の(または他の誰かの)思考または注意を空想または脱線から戻させる
recall make unavailable; bar from sale or distribution; "The company recalled the product when it was found to be faulty" 利用できなくする
call back , withdraw , recall , call in 回収 , リコール cause to be returned; "recall the defective auto tires"; "The manufacturer tried to call back the spoilt yoghurt" 戻されるようにする
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