英日字典: 想う
12 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- contemplate
- 考える, 観ずる, 思い見る, 勘える, 観じる, 企てる, 思見る, 図る, 思議, 慮る, 惟る, 想う
- consider as a possibility; "I contemplated leaving school and taking a full-time job"
- 可能性であると考える
- conceive, believe, consider, think
- 考える, 勘える, 思う, 想う, 惟う
- judge or regard; look upon; judge; "I think he is very smart"; "I believe her to be very smart"; "I think that he is her boyfriend"; "The racist conceives such people to be inferior"
- 判断する、または考える
- suppose, opine, guess, imagine, reckon, think
- 推し計る, 推測, 推し測る, 推し量る, 測り知る, 想察, 想像, 思做す, 測知る, 推しあてる, 睨む, 思う, 思い為す, 思いなす, 積る, 推量, 推知, 推しはかる, 想定, 積もる, 推量る, 想う, 推し当てる, 惟う, 思い做す, 測りしる, 端倪, 推当てる, 推度, 推測る
- expect, believe, or suppose; "I imagine she earned a lot of money with her new novel"; "I thought to find her in a bad state"; "he didn't think to find her in the kitchen"; "I guess she is angry at me for standing her up"
- 期待する、信じるまたは 看做す
- hope
- 期待, 希望, 庶幾, 祷る, 祈る, 嘱する, 思う, 冀望, 願う, 念願, 見こむ, 想う, 請い願う, 望む, 念じる
- be optimistic; be full of hope; have hopes; "I am still hoping that all will turn out well"
- 楽観的である
- love
- 愛慕, 恋慕う, 恋慕, 恋いしたう, いとおしがる, 愛おしむ, 愛寵, ほれ込む, 恋愛, 愛しがる, 恋い慕う, 愛す, 思う, 愛する, いとおしむ, 想う, 慕う, 恋する, 好く, 傾慕, 愛しむ, 恋着
- be enamored or in love with; "She loves her husband deeply"
- に夢中である、心を奪われる
- feel
- 思う, 感じ取る, 自覚, 感じる, 感ずる, 感取, 想う
- have a feeling or perception about oneself in reaction to someone's behavior or attitude; "She felt small and insignificant"; "You make me feel naked"; "I made the students feel different about themselves"
- 誰かの行動または態度に対する反応において自分の感情を持ちまたは認知をする
- cerebrate, think, cogitate
- 考える, 存知上げる, 勘える, 思索, 存知あげる, 存じ上げる, 思し召す, 存じあげる, 思う, 存ずる, 存じる, 思量, 思召す, 想う, 思考, 思しめす, 思料, おぼし召す, 思念, 思惟, 思案
- use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments; "I've been thinking all day and getting nowhere"
- 推論、決定をするためまたは、結論や判断に達するために心、あるいは理性を使うまたはを発揮する
- find, feel
- わかる, 勘付く, 感づく, 感触, 憶える, 分る, 看取, 覚える, かぎ出す, 見受ける, 思う, 感じ取る, 感付く, 見出す, かぎ取る, 嗅ぎとる, 見いだす, 察する, 感じる, 感ずる, 観取, 感取, 想う, 勘づく, 嗅取る, 見出だす, 見い出す, 知る, 嗅ぎ取る
- come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds; "I feel that he doesn't like me"; "I find him to be obnoxious"; "I found the movie rather entertaining"
- 情緒、直観、不確定の根拠を基にして信じるようになる
- think
- 考える, 思う, 想う
- focus one's attention on a certain state; "Think big"; "think thin"
- ある状態に意識を集中する
- look back, review, retrospect
- 追憶, 振返る, 振りかえる, 回想, 回視, 回顧, 思い返す, 追懐, 憶う, 顧る, ふり返る, 想う, 顧みる, 振り返る
- look back upon (a period of time, sequence of events); remember; "she reviewed her achievements with pride"
- 振り返る(一定期間、一連の出来事)
- think about
- 考える, 思いやる, 勘える, 思い遣る, 思う, 想う, 思遣る
- have on one's mind, think about actively; "I'm thinking about my friends abroad"; "She always thinks about her children first"
- 心において活発に考える
- remember, retrieve, call back, call up, recall, think, recollect
- 思いだす, 思起す, 思い付く, 追憶, 懐う, 回想, 回視, 回顧, 思い浮べる, 思い返す, 思い回す, 呼びおこす, 思い出す, 偲ぶ, 思返す, 思出す, 追懐, 喚び起こす, 想出す, 思う, 思浮べる, 思い出だす, 想起す, 憶う, 呼起こす, 思いつく, 想い浮かべる, 想いだす, 思い浮かべる, 思い起す, 思いまわす, 想う, 想い起こす, 喚起こす, 想い出す, 想い起す, 思いかえす, 想起, 追思, 思回す, 思浮かべる, 思い起こす
- recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection; "I can't remember saying any such thing"; "I can't think what her last name was"; "can you remember her phone number?"; "Do you remember that he once loved you?"; "call up memories"
- 記憶から知識を思い浮かべる
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