英日字典: caller
The caller has 9 Senses.
- caller, company
- お客さん, 御客さん, 訪客, 客, 御客, 来客, 来者, 客人
- a social or business visitor; "the room was a mess because he hadn't expected company"
- 社交上、あるいは商売上の訪問者
- caller
- an investor who buys a call option
- 買付選択権を買う投資家
- caller
- the bettor in a card game who matches the bet and calls for a show of hands
- 賭けを合わせて、挙手を求めるカードゲームの賭け手
- caller-out, caller
- a person who announces the changes of steps during a dance; "you need a fiddler and a caller for country dancing"
- ダンス中にステップの変更を発表する人
- caller
- someone who proclaims or summons in a loud voice; "the callers were mothers summoning their children home for dinner"
- 宣言するか、大声で呼び出す誰か
- caller
- the person who convenes a meeting; "who is the caller of this meeting?"
- 会議を召集する人
- caller, caller-up, phoner, telephoner
- the person initiating a telephone call; "there were so many callers that he finally disconnected the telephone"
- 電話をかける側の人
- caller
- providing coolness; "a cooling breeze"; "`caller' is a Scottish term as in `a caller breeze'"
- 涼しさがある
- caller
- fresh; "caller fish"
- 新鮮な
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