英日字典: company
KK Pronunciation
〔 ˋkʌmpәnI 〕
〔 ˊkʌmpәni 〕
The company has 10 Senses.
- company
- 企業, 会社, 公司, カンパニー, コンパニー
- an institution created to conduct business; "he only invests in large well-established companies"; "he started the company in his garage"
- 事業を行うために創設された機関
- company
- 中隊
- small military unit; usually two or three platoons
- 小さな軍事部隊
- fellowship, companionship, company, society
- つきあい, 人付合, 往交い, 人付き合い, 友好, つきあいのよいこと, 往交, 付き合い, お付き合い, 友交, 交わり, 交際, 交宜, 交じらい, 行交, 仲間であること, 交らい, 同士の交わり, 交, 行き交い, 人付合い, 交遊, 交誼, 往き交い, 仲間付き合い, 行交い, 交い
- the state of being with someone; "he missed their company"; "he enjoyed the society of his friends"
- 人と一緒にいること
- troupe, company
- 団, 一座, 一行
- organization of performers and associated personnel (especially theatrical); "the traveling company all stayed at the same hotel"
- 芸人たちや提携したスタッフの組織(特に劇団)
- caller, company
- お客さん, 御客さん, 訪客, 客, 御客, 来客, 来者, 客人
- a social or business visitor; "the room was a mess because he hadn't expected company"
- 社交上、あるいは商売上の訪問者
- company
- お客さん, 御客さん, 客, 御客, 来客, 客人, お客
- a social gathering of guests or companions; "the house was filled with company when I arrived"
- 客や仲間の社交的な集まり
- party, company
- 隊, 班
- a band of people associated temporarily in some activity; "they organized a party to search for food"; "the company of cooks walked into the kitchen"
- 一時的に何らかの活動で結びついた人々の一団
- ship's company, company
- crew of a ship including the officers; the whole force or personnel of a ship
- 高級船員も含めた船のクルー
- company
- 会社, 公司, カンパニー, 連れ, 人中, 相手, コンパ, 交際, 中隊, 同勢, 商会, 貴社
- a unit of firefighters including their equipment; "a hook-and-ladder company"
- 装備を含む消防士たちの一団
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