英日字典: clap
KK Pronunciation
〔 klæp 〕
〔 klæp 〕
The clap has 10 Senses.
- gonorrhea, clap, gonorrhoea
- 淋病
- a common venereal disease caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae; symptoms are painful urination and pain around the urethra
- ネイサリアゴノロエエ菌(淋菌)によって生じる一般的な性病
- clap, clack
- かちん
- a sharp abrupt noise as if two objects hit together; may be repeated
- 2つの物体が互いにぶつかったかのような鮮鋭な突然の音
- clap
- put quickly or forcibly; "The judge clapped him in jail"
- 素早く、または強制的に置く
- clap
- cause to strike the air in flight; "The big bird clapped its wings"
- 飛行中に空中に撃つようにする
- clap, acclaim, spat, applaud
- 誉め讃える, 讃する, 褒め讃える, 褒め立てる, 称讃, 賛称する, 賞する, 頌する, 讃称する, 称嘆, 拍手, 褒賞, 褒誉, 嘆称, 称賛, 賞嘆, 嘆賞, 褒める, 挙揚, 賛える, 歎称, 喝采, 歎賞, 賞賛, 歓呼, 賛する, 拍手喝采, 賞讃, 誉め称える, 褒め称える, 讚する, 褒めたたえる, 讚称する, 謳歌
- clap one's hands or shout after performances to indicate approval
- 賞賛をするために演技の後で拍手をするまたは声を張り上げる
- clap, spat
- 拍手
- clap one's hands together; "The children were clapping to the music"
- 手を打ちあわせる
- clap
- strike the air in flight; "the wings of the birds clapped loudly"
- 飛行中に空気をたたく
- clap
- strike with the flat of the hand; usually in a friendly way, as in encouragement or greeting
- 手のひらで打つ
- clap
- strike together so as to produce a sharp percussive noise; "clap two boards together"
- 一緒に打つことで鋭い雑音を出す
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