英日字典: blast
KK Pronunciation
〔 blæst 〕
〔 blɑːst 〕
The blast has 16 Senses.
- blast
- 長打
- a very long fly ball
- 非常に長いフライ・ボール
- blast, gust, blow
- 突風, 陣風
- a strong current of air; "the tree was bent almost double by the gust"
- 強い気流
- good time, blast
- a highly pleasurable or exciting experience; "we had a good time at the party"; "celebrating after the game was a blast"
- 非常に楽しい、または刺激的な経験
- fire, blast, attack, flack, flak
- 攻撃, 非難
- intense adverse criticism; "Clinton directed his fire at the Republican Party"; "the government has come under attack"; "don't give me any flak"
- 激しい敵対的な批判
- blast, blare
- make a strident sound; "She tended to blast when speaking into a microphone"
- 耳障りな音を出す
- blast, shell
- 爆破, 砲撃, 爆撃, 爆砕
- use explosives on; "The enemy has been shelling us all day"
- 爆薬を使用する
- blast
- apply a draft or strong wind to to; "the air conditioning was blasting cold air at us"
- 通風または強い風を当てる
- blast, shell
- 爆破
- create by using explosives; "blast a passage through the mountain"
- 爆発物を使って作り出す
- blast
- make with or as if with an explosion; "blast a tunnel through the Alps"
- 爆発させる、あるいは爆発であるかのようにさせる
- blast, shoot
- 射出, 発射, 射込む, 打懸ける, 撃つ, 放つ, 打ち掛ける, ぶっ放す, 打っ放す, 打掛ける, 発しる, 打ち懸ける, 打放す
- fire a shot; "the gunman blasted away"
- 弾丸を発射する
- blast, crucify, pillory, savage
- criticize harshly or violently; "The press savaged the new President"; "The critics crucified the author for plagiarizing a famous passage"
- 厳しくまたは暴力的に批判する
- blast, knock down
- shatter as if by explosion
- まるで爆発によってであるように、粉々になる
- blast
- shrivel or wither or mature imperfectly
- 無力になる、衰える、または不完全に熟する
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