英日字典: copy
KK Pronunciation
〔 ˋkɑpI 〕
〔 ˊkɒpi 〕
The copy has 8 Senses.
- copy, transcript
- コピー, 謄本, 写本, 写, 写し, 転写物, 写し物, 複写, 写物, 副本, 副書
- a reproduction of a written record (e.g. of a legal or school record)
- 書かれた記録(例えば法律上のまたは学校の記録)の複写物
- copy
- コピー, 模造, 謄本, 写本, 写, 写し, 複製品, 摸造, 複写, 模写, 模作, 複製
- a thing made to be similar or identical to another thing; "she made a copy of the designer dress"; "the clone was a copy of its ancestor"
- 別のものと同様、または同一になるよう作られたもの
- copy, written matter
- matter to be printed; exclusive of graphical materials
- 印刷されたもの
- copy
- material suitable for a journalistic account; "catastrophes make good copy"
- 新聞雑誌の記事に適した題材
- copy
- 写しとる, 書写す, 引き写す, 書きとる, 模造, 模る, 写し取る, 写取る, 象る, 筆写, 臨摸, 書取る, 写照, 模する, 写す, 摸する, 臨写, 模倣, 摸写, 書きうつす, 摸造, 複写, 模写, 写字, 複製, 書写, 謄写, 書き写す, 臨模
- copy down as is; "The students were made to copy the alphabet over and over"
- 現状のままでコピーする
- simulate, copy, imitate
- コピー, コピる, 真似, マネ, 真似る, 人真似, 似せる, 摸写, 物真似, 模写
- reproduce someone's behavior or looks; "The mime imitated the passers-by"; "Children often copy their parents or older siblings"
- 人の行動や外観を再現する
- replicate, copy
- 複製
- reproduce or make an exact copy of; "replicate the cell"; "copy the genetic information"
- 正確なコピーを再生する、または作る
- copy, re-create
- コピー, 再現, 複製
- make a replica of; "copy that drawing"; "re-create a picture by Rembrandt"
- レプリカを作る
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