英日字典: 再現
15 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- return
- 再現, 再発, 帰還, リターン, 復帰, 返還, 返却, 帰り
- a tennis stroke that sends the ball back to the other player; "he won the point on a cross-court return"
- 相手の選手へボールを打ち返すテニスのストローク
- reappearance
- 再現
- the event of something appearing again; "the reappearance of Halley's comet"
- 再び現れる何かの出来事
- resurgence, revival, revitalization, revitalisation, revivification
- 返り咲き, 復活, 甦り, 復興, リバイバル, 再現, 中興, 再燃, 再興, 返咲き, 復古, 甦, リヴァイヴァル, 再起, 蘇, 蘇り
- bringing again into activity and prominence; "the revival of trade"; "a revival of a neglected play by Moliere"; "the Gothic revival in architecture"
- 再び活動させ目立たせる
- reenactment
- 再現
- performing a role in an event that occurred at an earlier time; "the reenactment of the battle of Princeton"
- 以前に起こった出来事での役割を演じる
- re-create
- 再現
- create anew; "Re-create the boom of the West on a small scale"
- 新しく作り出す
- re-emerge, reappear
- 再現, 再出
- appear again; "The sores reappeared on her body"; "Her husband reappeared after having left her years ago"
- 再び現われる
- copy, re-create
- コピー, 再現, 複製
- make a replica of; "copy that drawing"; "re-create a picture by Rembrandt"
- レプリカを作る
- reproduce
- 再現, 再生
- recreate a sound, image, idea, mood, atmosphere, etc.; "this DVD player reproduces the sound of the piano very well"; "He reproduced the feeling of sadness in the portrait"
- 音、イメージ、アイデア、ムード、雰囲気などを再現する
- reenact
- 再現
- enact or perform again; "They reenacted the battle of Princeton"
- もう一度上演する、または演じる
- re-create
- 再現
- form anew in the imagination; recollect and re-form in the mind; "His mind re-creates the entire world"
- 想像の中で再び形成する
- enact, reenact, act out
- 再現
- act out; represent or perform as if in a play; "She reenacted what had happened earlier that day"
- 行動で示す
- replicate, repeat, double, duplicate, reduplicate
- 重ねる, 遣り直す, 反覆, 再現, 再演, くり返す, 仕返す, 繰返す, リピート, 繰りかえす, 反復, 仕かえす, 繰り返す
- make or do or perform again; "He could never replicate his brilliant performance of the magic trick"
- もう一度作る、するあるいは実行する
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