英日字典: curse
KK Pronunciation
〔 kFs 〕
〔 kәːs 〕
The curse has 9 Senses.
- expletive, swearing, oath, cuss, swearword, curse word, curse
- 悪罵, 罰当たりな言葉, 罵り, 下品な言葉, ののしりの言葉, ののしり, 悪態, 冒涜的な間投詞
- profane or obscene expression usually of surprise or anger; "expletives were deleted"
- 通例驚きや怒りを表す不敬な、または猥褻な表現
- condemnation, execration, curse
- 呪い言, 呪い事, 呪詛, 詛い, 詛呪, 呪い, 呪事, 呪言, 呪
- an appeal to some supernatural power to inflict evil on someone or some group
- ある人または集団に不幸を与えるために、ある超能力に訴えること
- jinx, hex, whammy, curse
- ジンクス, 呪い, 魔女
- an evil spell; "a witch put a curse on his whole family"; "he put the whammy on me"
- 悪の呪縛
- curse
- 悪罵, 冒とく, 冒涜, 毒突く, 毒づく
- heap obscenities upon; "The taxi driver who felt he didn't get a high enough tip cursed the passenger"
- 卑猥なことばを山ほど与える
- damn, beshrew, curse, anathemize, maledict, imprecate, anathemise, bedamn
- 呪詛, 呪う, 祟る, 調伏
- wish harm upon; invoke evil upon; "The bad witch cursed the child"
- 危害を願う
- curse, excommunicate, unchurch
- 破門
- exclude from a church or a religious community; "The gay priest was excommunicated when he married his partner"
- 教会または宗教的なコミュニティから除外する
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