英日字典: torment
KK Pronunciation
〔 ˋtɒrmєnt 〕
〔 ˊtɒːment 〕
The torment has 9 Senses.
- torment, anguish, torture
- 悶, 苦しみ, 懊悩煩悶, 責苦, 苦痛, 惨痛, 憂悶, 苦, 心労, 懊悩, 責め苦, 煩悶懊悩, 患苦, 悶え, 痛苦, 悩乱, 苦悩, 苦患, 苦悶
- extreme mental distress
- 極端な精神的苦痛
- torment, agony, torture
- 苦しみ, 苦痛, 水火, 窮愁, 八苦, 悩み, ディストレス, 苦しさ, 苦, 煩い, 患苦, 重苦, 倒懸, 苦艱, 苦悩, 苦患
- intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain; "an agony of doubt"; "the torments of the damned"
- 強い苦しみの感情
- torment, harassment
- a feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented; "so great was his harassment that he wanted to destroy his tormentors"
- 苦しめられて生じる強いいらだち
- torture, excruciate, torment, rack
- 小衝く, いびる, 小突回す, 小突き回す, 小突きまわす, 拷問, 責問, こづき回す, 責めさいなむ, 責める, 切り苛む, いたぶる, 甚振る, 攻め苛む, 嘖む, 責苛む, 苛む, 小衝き回す, 責め苛む, 苛める, 嬲る, 虐める, 小づく
- torment emotionally or mentally
- 感情的または精神的に苦しめる
- dun, bedevil, crucify, torment, frustrate, rag
- 小衝く, いびる, 小突回す, 小突き回す, 小突きまわす, こづき回す, 責めさいなむ, 切り苛む, いたぶる, 甚振る, 嘖む, 責苛む, 苛む, 小衝き回す, 苛める, 嬲る, 虐める, 小づく
- treat cruelly; "The children tormented the stuttering teacher"
- 残酷に扱う
- torture, excruciate, torment
- 可愛がる, 拷問, 責めさいなむ, 責める, 切り苛む, 呵む, いたぶる, 甚振る, 攻め苛む, 嘖む, 責苛む, 苛む, 責め苛む
- subject to torture; "The sinners will be tormented in Hell, according to the Bible"
- 拷問を受ける
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