英日字典: engage
KK Pronunciation
〔 ɑgɑ`ʒє 〕
〔 ɑ:^ɑ:ˋʒєi 〕
The engage has 10 Senses.
- engage, pursue, prosecute
- 従事, 関与
- carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in; "She pursued many activities"; "They engaged in a discussion"
- 活動を行うか、参加する
- engage, occupy, absorb, engross
- consume all of one's attention or time; "Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely"
- その人の注意または時間の全てを消費する
- engage
- ask to represent; of legal counsel; "I'm retaining a lawyer"
- 表することを頼む
- engage
- get caught; "make sure the gear is engaged"
- 捕まれる
- engage, wage
- 仕かける, 遂行, 仕掛ける
- carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns); "Napoleon and Hitler waged war against all of Europe"
- 続ける(戦争、戦い、またはキャンペーン)
- engage, enlist
- 採用, やとい入れる, 召抱える, 雇傭, 雇用, 雇入れる, 傭う, 雇い入れる, 傭い入れる, 雇いいれる, 召しかかえる, 召し抱える
- hire for work or assistance; "engage aid, help, services, or support"
- 仕事または援助のための賃貸する
- charter, hire, engage, lease, rent, take
- 借切る, 借り入れる, 借りきる, 賃借り, チャーター, 借り受ける, リース, 借り上げる, 雇う, 借る, 借上げる, 取る, 傭う, 賃借, 傭船, 借りる
- engage for service under a term of contract; "We took an apartment on a quiet street"; "Let's rent a car"; "Shall we take a guide in Rome?"
- 契約条件によりサービスを請け負う
- engage, operate, mesh, lock
- 噛みあわせる, かみ合う, かみ合わす, 噛み合う, 噛み合わせる, 噛合わせる, 噛み合せる, 噛合せる
- keep engaged; "engaged the gears"
- 噛み合った状態を維持する
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