

英日字典: fast

KK Pronunciation

〔 fæst 〕


〔 fɑ:st 〕

The fast has 15 Senses.

  • fast
  • 疾い, 速い
  • acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly; "fast film"; "on the fast track in school"; "set a fast pace"; "a fast car"
  • 迅速に作用すること、動くことあるいは、作用することと動くことが可能である

  • fast
  • (used of timepieces) indicating a time ahead of or later than the correct time; "my watch is fast"
  • (時計について使用され)正確な時刻よりも進んでいる、または、遅れていることを示す

  • fast
  • 速い
  • at a rapid tempo; "the band played a fast fox trot"
  • 迅速な速さで

  • fast
  • 速い
  • (of surfaces) conducive to rapid speeds; "a fast road"; "grass courts are faster than clay"
  • (表面について)急速なスピードに伝導性のある

  • fast
  • 堅い, 固い
  • resistant to destruction or fading; "fast colors"
  • 破壊または衰えに抵抗力がある

  • fast, quick, flying
  • 手短, 小短い
  • hurried and brief; "paid a flying visit"; "took a flying glance at the book"; "a quick inspection"; "a fast visit"
  • 慌ただしくそっけない

  • fast, firm, immobile
  • securely fixed in place; "the post was still firm after being hit by the car"
  • 所定の位置でしっかりと固定される

  • fast
  • (of a photographic lens or emulsion) causing a shortening of exposure time; "a fast lens"
  • (写真レンズまたは感光乳剤について)露光時間の短縮をもたらす

  • fast
  • 断食
  • abstain from certain foods, as for religious or medical reasons; "Catholics sometimes fast during Lent"
  • 宗教的、または医学的理由などで特定の食物を控える

  • fast
  • 絶食, 断食
  • abstain from eating; "Before the medical exam, you must fast"
  • 食べることを絶つ

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