英日字典: 聢り
12 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- unattackable, strong, secure, impregnable, unassailable, inviolable
- 岩乗, 堅牢, 安全, 堅い, 頑丈, 牢固たる, 聢り, 頑強, 安泰, 強い, 確り, 堅固, 強固, 固い
- immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with; "an impregnable fortress"; "fortifications that made the frontier inviolable"; "a secure telephone connection"
- 攻撃に対しての免疫がある
- firm
- 確乎たる, 慥か, 手がたい, 堅い, 牢固たる, 聢り, 確り, 揺るぎ無い, 揺るぎない, 手強い, 牢乎たる, 確固たる, 固い, 手堅い, 確か
- not subject to revision or change; "a firm contract"; "a firm offer"
- 改訂や変化に従わない
- steadily
- どんどん, 徐徐に, コツコツ, 着着, 徐々に, ぐんぐん, 聢り, 徐徐, 確り, 絶えず, 着々, 徐々, こつこつ
- at a steady rate or pace; "his interest eroded steadily"
- 安定した率またはペースで
- unwaveringly, steadfastly, firm, firmly
- 聢と, がっしり, 断乎, しっかり, 聢り, かちっと, 断固, 牢として, 確り, 確乎, しかと, 確固, しゃっきり, 断然, 確と
- with resolute determination; "we firmly believed it"; "you must stand firm"
- 断固たる決心で
- tightly
- ぎゅう, ぴしっと, 聢と, ぴっちり, しっかと, 犇と, きゅうきゅう, ひしひし, ぎっしり, ぴたっと, ひっしと, ぎゅうぎゅう, ぴちっと, 繁に, 犇々, きっちり, ぎりぎり, 聢り, びっしり, 密接, かちっと, 緊々, みっしり, かっちり, きゅっと, ひしと, しかと, 確と, ぴたり, ぎっちり, 犇犇, ぎゅっと, ぴたりと, ぴったり
- in a tight or constricted manner; "a tightly packed pub"
- 堅いか押えられたさまの
- soundly
- 聢り, ぐっつり, 確り
- deeply or completely; "slept soundly through the storm"; "the baby is sleeping soundly"
- 深く、または、完全に
- solidly
- 頑丈に, 聢り, 確り, がっちり
- with strength and soundness; "a solidly built house"
- 強さと確実さで
- tightly
- ぎゅう, ぴしっと, 聢と, ぴっちり, しっかと, 犇と, きゅうきゅう, ひしひし, ぴたっと, ひっしと, ぎゅうぎゅう, ぴちっと, 犇々, きっちり, 聢り, びっしり, ぴしゃり, かちっと, かっちり, きゅっと, ひしと, しかと, ぴんと, がっちり, 確と, ぴたり, 犇犇, ぎゅっと, ぴたりと, ぴったり
- securely fixed or fastened; "the window was tightly sealed"
- しっかり固定された、または結びつけられた
- hard, firmly
- ぎゅう, 聢と, 堅く, 聢り, かちっと, 確り, きゅっと, ひしと, しかと, 確と, ぎゅっと
- with firmness; "held hard to the railing"
- かたさを伴う
- abundantly, extravagantly, copiously, profusely
- 山山, うんと, たくさん, 聢り, 豊富, 確り, ふんだんに, 沢山, 大量, 多く
- in an abundant manner; "they were abundantly supplied with food"; "he thanked her profusely"
- 豊富なさまの
- fast, tight
- 犇と, ひしひし, しっかり, 犇々, 聢り, ぺったり, 緊々, 確り, ひしと, がっちり, 犇犇, ぎゅっと, ぴったり
- firmly or closely; "held fast to the rope"; "her foot was stuck fast"; "held tight"
- しっかりまたは密接に
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