英日字典: flutter
KK Pronunciation
〔 ˋflʌtZ 〕
〔 ˊflʌtә 〕
The flutter has 9 Senses.
- flutter
- abnormally rapid beating of the auricles of the heart (especially in a regular rhythm); can result in heart block
- 心臓の心耳の異常に速い鼓動(特に通常のリズムにおいて)
- disturbance, hurly burly, hoo-ha, flutter, hoo-hah, disruption, to-do, commotion, kerfuffle
- 事変, 混乱, 暴動, 波瀾, 変乱, 擾乱, 大騒ぎ, 紛擾, 騒乱, 動乱, 乱, 禍乱, 波乱, 騒擾, 騒がしさ, 騒動
- a disorderly outburst or tumult; "they were amazed by the furious disturbance they had caused"
- 無秩序な爆発または激動
- flit, fleet, flutter, dart
- move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart; "The hummingbird flitted among the branches"
- 速く、そして、軽く動く
- flutter, flicker, flitter, waver, quiver
- 揺らめく, ちらちらする, 顫動, 揺ら揺ら, ちらつく, 震える, ちらめく, はためく, ブルブルする
- move back and forth very rapidly; "the candle flickered"
- とても急に前後に動く
- flutter
- flap the wings rapidly or fly with flapping movements; "The seagulls fluttered overhead"
- 急に羽をばたつかせるまたは、ばたつかせる動きで飛ぶ
- bat, flutter
- パチパチする
- wink briefly; "bat one's eyelids"
- 短くまばたきする
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