英日字典: 動乱
11 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- tizzy, flap, dither, pother, fuss
- 狼狽, 動乱, 周章
- an excited state of agitation; "he was in a dither"; "there was a terrible flap about the theft"
- 動揺して興奮している状態
- disturbance, hurly burly, hoo-ha, flutter, hoo-hah, disruption, to-do, commotion, kerfuffle
- 事変, 混乱, 暴動, 波瀾, 変乱, 擾乱, 大騒ぎ, 紛擾, 騒乱, 動乱, 乱, 禍乱, 波乱, 騒擾, 騒がしさ, 騒動
- a disorderly outburst or tumult; "they were amazed by the furious disturbance they had caused"
- 無秩序な爆発または激動
- hullabaloo, excitement, agitation, turmoil, upheaval
- 煽情, あじ, 動揺, 煽動, 大騒ぎ, アジテーション, 動乱, 興奮, 扇動, アジ, 煽り, 騒動, 扇情
- disturbance usually in protest
- 大抵は抗議での騒動
- convulsion, turmoil, upheaval
- 怒濤, 大乱, 暴動, 波瀾, 激動, 劇変, 怒涛, 動乱, 大荒, 大荒れ, 波乱, 騒動, 激変
- a violent disturbance; "the convulsions of the stock market"
- 激しい騒動
- turbulence, sturm und drang, upheaval
- 不穏, 動乱
- a state of violent disturbance and disorder (as in politics or social conditions generally); "the industrial revolution was a period of great turbulence"
- 激しい騒乱や騒動の状態(政治的または社会的情勢などの場合が一般的)
- agitation
- 顫動, 煽動, 撹拌, 攪拌, アジテーション, 動乱, 興奮, 扇動, 周章, 亢奮, 昂奮
- the act of agitating something; causing it to move around (usually vigorously)
- 何かを揺り動かす行為
- agitation
- 動揺, 顫動, 煽動, 撹拌, 攪拌, アジテーション, 動乱, 興奮, 扇動, 周章, 亢奮, 昂奮
- the feeling of being agitated; not calm
- 動揺する気持ち
- agitation
- 動揺, 顫動, 煽動, 撹拌, 攪拌, アジテーション, 動乱, 興奮, 扇動, 周章, 亢奮, 昂奮
- a mental state of extreme emotional disturbance
- 極度に感情が動揺している精神状態
- disturbance, ruffle, affray, fray
- 事変, 騒ぎ, 暴動, 波瀾, 擾乱, 騒, 紛擾, 騒乱, 動乱, 禍乱, 波乱, 騒動
- a noisy fight
- 騒がしい戦い
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