英日字典: freeze
KK Pronunciation
〔 friz 〕
〔 friːz 〕
The freeze has 14 Senses.
- freezing, freeze
- 冷凍, 凍結, 凝結, 氷結, 封鎖, 凝固
- the withdrawal of heat to change something from a liquid to a solid
- 何かを液体から固体に変化させるために熱を取り除くこと
- frost, freeze
- 凍結, 凝結, 氷結, フロスト, 霜
- weather cold enough to cause freezing
- 凍結するような寒い天候
- freeze, halt
- フリーズ, 休止, 途絶, 凍結, 停車, 杜絶, 停止, 停留
- an interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement; "a halt in the arms race"; "a nuclear freeze"
- 進歩または動きの中断か一時停止
- freeze
- 凍結
- fixing (of prices or wages etc) at a particular level; "a freeze on hiring"
- 特定のレベルに固定(価格、賃金などの)
- freeze
- 凍てる, 凍て付く, 凍えつく, 凍りつく, 氷る, 凍てつく, 凍みる, 凍結, 氷結, 凍え付く, 冱てる, 凍る
- change to ice; "The water in the bowl froze"
- 氷への変化
- freeze
- 凍える
- be cold; "I could freeze to death in this office when the air conditioning is turned on"
- 冷たくなる
- freeze
- 冷凍, 氷る, 氷結, 凍る
- cause to freeze; "Freeze the leftover food"
- 凍る原因
- suspend, freeze
- 吊す, 吊る, 中断, 垂らす, 休める, ぶら下げる, 吊るす
- stop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it; "Suspend the aid to the war-torn country"
- それを凍結させることにより、プロセスまたは習慣を止める
- freeze
- be very cold, below the freezing point; "It is freezing in Kalamazoo"
- 氷点下で、非常に寒い
- immobilize, block, freeze, immobilise
- 凍結, 封鎖, 受け止める
- prohibit the conversion or use of (assets); "Blocked funds"; "Freeze the assets of this hostile government"
- (資産)の変換や使用を禁止する
- freeze
- anesthetize by cold
- 寒さで、麻痺する
- freeze
- suddenly behave coldly and formally; "She froze when she saw her ex-husband"
- 突然冷静に、堅苦しく振舞う
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