英日字典: ghost
KK Pronunciation
〔 gost 〕
〔 ɡoust 〕
The ghost has 7 Senses.
- spook, specter, spectre, ghost, wraith, shade
- 魑魅, 幻影, 生霊, 亡者, 物の気, 悪霊, 御化, 幽霊, 生きすだま, 亡き魂, 化け物, ゴースト, お化け, お化, おばけ, 物の怪, 化物, レイス, 怪物, ガイスト, 亡霊, 幽魂, 生き霊, 魔物, 死霊, 亡魂, 霊, 妖異, 妖怪, 妖魔, 幽鬼, 御化け
- a mental representation of some haunting experience; "he looked like he had seen a ghost"; "it aroused specters from his past"
- 頭から離れない経験の心的表象
- ghost, ghostwriter
- 代作者
- a writer who gives the credit of authorship to someone else
- 他の誰かに著作者としての名声を受け渡す作家
- ghost
- 悪霊, 幽霊, 化け物, ゴースト, お化け, お化, 物の怪, 化物, 亡霊, 死霊, 亡魂, 霊, 幽鬼, 御化け
- the visible disembodied soul of a dead person
- 死者の肉体から離れ、目に見える魂
- trace, ghost, touch
- 感じ, 感触, 気, 気配, 様子, 気味
- a suggestion of some quality; "there was a touch of sarcasm in his tone"; "he detected a ghost of a smile on her face"
- ある資質を示唆するもの
- ghost
- move like a ghost; "The masked men ghosted across the moonlit yard"
- 幽霊のように動く
- ghost, haunt, obsess
- 取りつく, 巣食う, 付纏う, 付き纏う, 取憑く, 取付く, 巣くう, 付きまとう, 取り憑く, 憑く
- haunt like a ghost; pursue; "Fear of illness haunts her"
- 幽霊のように出没する
- ghostwrite, ghost
- 代作
- write for someone else; "How many books have you ghostwritten so far?"
- 他の人のために書く
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