英日字典: go_through
The go_through has 5 Senses.
- experience, see, go through
- 活きる, 経る, 味わう, 経験, 生きる, くぐり抜ける, 知る, 舐める, 体験
- go or live through; "We had many trials to go through"; "he saw action in Viet Nam"
- 経る、あるいは乗り切る
- pass, go across, go through
- 過ぎゆく, 通行, 過ぎさる, 通りすぎる, 通過, 過ぎ去る, 通り抜け, 突っきる, 通りこす, 横断, 通る, 突ききる, 横ぎる, 経る, 過行く, 突抜ける, 通り越す, 潜り抜ける, 突きぬける, 越す, 渉る, 突き切る, 突切る, 通りぬける, 通りぬけ, 渡る, 抜ける, くぐり抜ける, 突っ切る, 過去る, うち過ぎる, 経過, 通り過ぎる, 過ぎる, 通り抜ける, 突き抜ける, 潜りぬける, 過ぎ行く, 越える, つき抜ける
- go across or through; "We passed the point where the police car had parked"; "A terrible thought went through his mind"
- 横切るあるいは突き抜けて行く
- down, devour, consume, go through
- 食い荒す, 食い尽くす, 喰尽くす, 食切る, 食いきる, 喰切る, 食べ尽くす, 喰尽す, 食い荒らす, 喰い尽くす, 喰い切る, 食尽す, 食尽くす, 食べつくす, 平らげる, 食い切る, 食べ尽す
- eat immoderately; "Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal"
- 過度に食べる
- carry out, put through, follow through, implement, follow out, go through, follow up
- 為し遂げる, やり遂げる, 成しとげる, 果たす, 為しとげる, 為果てる, 為終える, 為済ます, し終える, 遺りきる, 遣切る, 遂行, 果す, 遣り遂げる, 遣遂げる, 成し遂げる, 為はてる, し遂げる, 遣り抜く, 為済す, 完うする, 全うする, 為抜く, 遣通す, 達成, やり切る, 遣り通す, 遺り切る, 遺切る, やり抜く, やり通す, 遣りとげる
- pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue; "Did he go through with the treatment?"; "He implemented a new economic plan"; "She followed up his recommendations with a written proposal"
- 結論まで追求する、あるいは良好な結果へと導く
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