英日字典: impress
KK Pronunciation
〔 Im`prZs 〕
〔 imˋprєs 〕
The impress has 8 Senses.
- impress, impressment
- the act of coercing someone into government service
- 誰かに政府用役を強制する行為
- move, strike, affect, impress
- 印象付ける, 印象づける
- have an emotional or cognitive impact upon; "This child impressed me as unusually mature"; "This behavior struck me as odd"
- 感情的であるか認識影響を及ぼす
- impress
- 印象付ける, 心を捉える, 印象づける
- impress positively; "The young chess player impressed her audience"
- 明らかに印象づける
- instill, impress, ingrain
- 植えつける, 教えこむ, 吹きこむ
- produce or try to produce a vivid impression of; "Mother tried to ingrain respect for our elders in us"
- 鮮やかな印象を出せようとする、またはそれを見せる
- impress, imprint
- mark or stamp with or as if with pressure; "To make a batik, you impress a design with wax"
- 圧力をかけるかのように、印をつけるあるいは型押しをする
- impress, shanghai
- take (someone) against his will for compulsory service, especially on board a ship; "The men were shanghaied after being drugged"
- 強制の仕事のために意思に反して誰かを、特に船で、連れていく
- impress, yarn-dye
- dye (fabric) before it is spun
- それがつむがれる前に、(織物)を染める
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