英日字典: initiate
KK Pronunciation
〔 IˋnIʃIˏet 〕
〔 iˊniʃieit 〕
The initiate has 8 Senses.
- enlightened, initiate
- people who have been introduced to the mysteries of some field or activity; "it is very familiar to the initiate"
- ある分野や活動のギルドに紹介された人々
- originate, initiate, start
- 為出す, 取掛る, 開始, やり始める, 取り掛かる, 取っ掛る, 仕始める, やり出す, 取っかかる, 為始める, 創める, 始動, スタート, 押始める, し始める, 取り掛る, 取掛かる, 取っ掛かる, 押っ始める, 取りかかる, 為だす, 仕出す, 仕だす, 始める
- bring into being; "He initiated a new program"; "Start a foundation"
- 生む
- initiate, pioneer
- 先がけ, 開始, 開拓, 先駈, 先駆, 為始める, し始める, 先駆け, 先駈け
- take the lead or initiative in; participate in the development of; "This South African surgeon pioneered heart transplants"
- リードまたはイニシアティブを取る
- initiate, induct
- accept people into an exclusive society or group, usually with some rite; "African men are initiated when they reach puberty"
- 排他的な集まりまたはグループへある祭礼を通じて人を受け入れる
- broach, initiate
- bring up a topic for discussion
- 議論の議題をあげる
- lead up, initiate
- 開始
- set in motion, start an event or prepare the way for; "Hitler's attack on Poland led up to World War II"
- 動き始め、事象を始めてまたはそれに対する方法を準備する
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