英日字典: jazz
KK Pronunciation
〔 dʒæz 〕
〔 dʒæz 〕
The jazz has 5 Senses.
- jazz
- ジャズ, ズージャー
- a genre of popular music that originated in New Orleans around 1900 and developed through increasingly complex styles
- 1900年ごろニューオーリンズで生まれ、ますます複雑なスタイルに発展したポピュラー音楽のジャンル
- jazz
- ジャズ
- a style of dance music popular in the 1920s; similar to New Orleans jazz but played by large bands
- 1920年代に流行したダンス音楽の一形式
- jazz
- play something in the style of jazz
- ジャズのスタイルで、何かを演奏する
- get laid, bed, hump, sleep together, lie with, have it away, fuck, roll in the hay, make love, have it off, bonk, know, be intimate, have sex, have intercourse, sleep with, jazz, bang, make out, do it, love, get it on, screw, eff, have a go at it
- 交わる, 交接, 床入り, 同衾, 一発やる, 寐る, 共寝, セックス, ファック, 抱く, 床入, 寝る
- have sexual intercourse with; "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"; "Adam knew Eve"; "Were you ever intimate with this man?"
- 性交渉をもつ
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