英日字典: lapse
KK Pronunciation
〔 læps 〕
〔 læps 〕
The lapse has 9 Senses.
- lapse, oversight
- 見落, 見落とし, 粗忽, 目溢, 目溢れ, 目こぼれ, ケアレスミス, 目溢し, 目こぼし, 凡ミス, 粗相, 見落し
- a mistake resulting from inattention
- 不注意から起こる間違い
- lapse
- a break or intermission in the occurrence of something; "a lapse of three weeks between letters"
- 何かが起きたときの休止または中断
- sink, lapse, pass
- 落ち込む, 入る, 陥る
- pass into a specified state or condition; "He sank into nirvana"
- 特殊の状態または状況になる
- lapse
- end, at least for a long time; "The correspondence lapsed"
- 少なくとも長い間に終わる
- lapse, backslide
- 堕落
- drop to a lower level, as in one's morals or standards
- 人の品行や規範などにおいて下のレベルに落ちる
- lapse
- let slip; "He lapsed his membership"
- 忘れさせる
- slip by, slip away, elapse, lapse, pass, go by, go along, slide by, glide by
- 過ぎゆく, 去る, 過ぎさる, 過ぎ去る, 流れる, 推し移る, 過行く, 推しうつる, 越す, 行く, 移る, 過去る, うち過ぎる, 経過, 過る, 過ぎる, 過ぎ行く, 経つ, 往く
- pass by; "three years elapsed"
- 過ぎ去る
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